Stubborn Bolin

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Anders Sture Ragnar Bolin (born May 27, 1900 in Väsby, Höganäs municipality , Skåne province , † February 1, 1963 ) was a Swedish historian and university professor .


After attending school, he studied history at the University of Lund and graduated with a doctorate in Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) in 1927 with a dissertation on the subject of Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germania: studier i romersk och äldre germansk historia (Die Finds of Roman Coins in Germania: Study of Roman and Older Germanic History). He then became a lecturer in history before accepting the position of professor of history at Lund University in 1938 .

In addition to his teaching activities, he was the editor in charge of the history and biographies of the Swedish-language encyclopedia Svensk uppslagsbok , published between 1929 and 1955 . In addition, he was an active member of the radical nationalist Sveriges nationella förbund (SNSF) until he left in 1940 .

Publications (selection)

  • Romare och germaner, Stockholm: Geber, 1927 OCLC 252803063
  • Skånelands historia. Skildringar från tiden försvenskningen, Lund: Borelius, 1930 OCLC 15005635
  • Fynden av romerska mynt i det fria Germanien, Lund: Borelius, 1926 OCLC 23542365
  • Om Nordens äldsta historieforskning: studier över dess metodik och källvärde, Lund: H. Ohlssons boktryckeri, 1931 OCLC 15801026
  • The Chronology of the Gallic Emperors, Lund (?), 1932 (?) OCLC 21267707
  • Ledung och frälse: studier och orientering över danska samfundsförhållanden under äldre medeltid, Lund: Skanska Centraltryckeriet, 1934 OCLC 14113383
  • State and currency in the Roman Empire to 300 AD, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1958 OCLC 875368826
  • Ur penningens historia, Stockholm: Aldus, 1962 OCLC 4505591
