Sulcorebutia crispata

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Sulcorebutia crispata
Sulcorebutia crispata HR27

Sulcorebutia crispata HR27

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Trichocereeae
Genre : Sulcorebutia
Type : Sulcorebutia crispata
Scientific name
Sulcorebutia crispata

Sulcorebutia crispata is a species of plant in the genus Sulcorebutia fromthe cactus family (Cactaceae).


Sulcorebutia crispata grows solitary or sprouting with (dark) green, gray-green, brown or brown-red bodies. With diameters of up to 3.5 centimeters, these reach heights of 2 to 3.5 centimeters and have a strong taproot . The ribs are barely visible and completely divided into elongated humps. A central spine is missing. The up to 24, white to brownish, comb-shaped radial spines have a lighter, thickened base, lie close to the body and are often intertwined. They are up to 1.2 inches long.

The purple-red, magenta or (wine) red flowers often have a lighter throat. They are up to 4.5 inches long with a diameter of 4 centimeters. The reddish brown fruits are 5 to 6 millimeters in diameter.

Distribution and systematics

Sulcorebutia crispata is distributed in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca in the provinces of Tomina , Jaime Zudáñez and Azurduy at altitudes of around 2,400 meters.

The first description was published in 1970 by Walter Rausch (* 1928). Synonyms are Weingartia crispata (Rausch) FHBrandt and Rebutia canigueralii subsp. crispata (intoxication) Donald ex DRHunt .



Individual evidence

  1. Cacti and other succulents . Volume 221, 1970, p. 103.

Web links

Commons : Sulcorebutia crispata  - Collection of images, videos and audio files