Summa Theologica (Eiximenis)

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The Summa Theologica is a literary work that Francesc Eiximenis wrote in Latin at the beginning of the 15th century . It is one of the summae that represented the pinnacle of medieval theological thought.


Only some parts of the sum have been preserved. They were found in the archives of the Cathedral of Valencia by the Valencian Franciscan León Amorós. He copied that too. These parts were published in the Archivum Franciscanum Historicum magazine in 1959 .

Content of the preserved part

The most important part has to do with predestination . The purpose of Eiximenis was to write about it on the Fourth Book of Christian (this book was planned but not written). The other subjects of the retained part are as follows:

  • Quid est suppositum (What is a requirement).
  • Quid est persona (What person is).
  • Quid est persona secundum Ricardum (What person is according to Richard ( Richard von Sankt Viktor )).
  • Quid demonstratio propter quid (What is evidence after the reason).
  • Quid demonstratio quia (What is proof why).
  • Quomodo Deus sit intelligibilis (How God can be understood).
  • De lumine (about the light).
  • De prescientia Dei (About God's foreknowledge).


León Amorós comes to the conclusion that this summa was written parallel to the Vida de Jesucrist (Life of Jesus Christ) because of the constant references to the summa . The references to the Summa appear only in the Vida de Jesucrist and not in any other work by Eiximenis. And the Vida de Jesucrist was finished by Eiximenis at the beginning of the 15th century.

Content and hypothetical structure

After the references to the Vida de Jesucrist, L. Amorós deduces this hypothetical content and this hypothetical structure:

  • The first volume should be related to the four evangelists .
  • The second volume should be related to predestination .
  • The third volume is not mentioned anywhere.
  • The fourth volume is mentioned three times. It is mentioned first because of Christ's circumcision . Others talks about the influence of stars on men. And another is about the angels . Eiximenis had already talked about it in the Llibre dels àngels (Book of Angels).
  • The fifth volume should be related to the Immaculate Conception .
  • Volume six should be related to the Gospels .
  • The seventh volume is mentioned again because of the subject of Christ's circumcision .

There is another reference to the sacrament of baptism, but without specifying the book . And finally, section 53 of the 7th tractate of the Vida de Jesucrist refers to the Summa Theologica but without specifying a specific book on the subject of usury (Valencia. BUV. Ms. 209, f. 200r).

From these files, L. Amorós concludes that this summa consists of seven books.

Digital editions

Individual evidence

  1. Here a complete profile of this Franciscan from Castalla can be found.
  2. Amorós, León, OFM. El problema de la Summa Theologica del Maestro Francisco Eiximenis, OFM (1340? -1409) . AFH, 52.1959. 178-203. (latin) (spanish)
  3. Amorós, León, OFM. Op. cit. (p. 181-183). (latin) (spanish)
  4. ^ Brines, Lluís . Biografia documentada de Francesc Eiximenis . Valencia. T-Ink Factoría de Color. 2018. p. 172ss (Catalan)
  5. Amorós, León, OFM. Op. cit. P. 184-186. (latin) (spanish)