Symbatios (Strategos)

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Symbatios ( Middle Greek Συμβάτιος , in some sources also Sabbatios ; † after 867) was a Byzantine Patrikios and Strategos of Armenian origin.

Symbatios, which can be distinguished from the brother of the same name of the later emperor Basil I , was the son-in-law of the emperor (Caesar) Bardas , in whose assassination on April 21, 866 he was involved. Because Emperor Michael III. after that, however, he gave preference to his Parakoimomenos Basileios and promoted him to co-emperor ( Symbasileus ) , Symbatios resigned the office of Logothetes tou dromou at the court in Constantinople and went to Thrakesion as strategos . There he instigated a revolt in the summer of 866 with the support of the Comes des Opsikion , Georgios Peganes , in order to oust Basil from the position of co-regent and designated heir to the throne. The attempted coup was put down in the winter of 866/67. Symbatios was captured on the run in Keltzene and brought to Constantinople in the Mamaspalast before the emperor, who blinded him , mutilated and temporarily put him under house arrest, as did his co-conspirators . His further fate is unknown.



  • John Bagnell Bury : A History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the Fall of Irene to the Accession of Basil I (AD 802-867) . Macmillan and Company, London 1912, pp. 174-176 .
  • Franz Dölger : Regest of the imperial documents of the Eastern Roman Empire from 565-1453. Volume 1: Regesta from 565-1025 (= corpus of Greek documents from the Middle Ages and modern times. Series A, Section 1, 1). Beck, Munich 1924, No. 468.
  • Ralph-Johannes Lilie , Claudia Ludwig, Thomas Pratsch, Ilse Rochow, Beate Zielke: Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period . 1st department: (641−867). Volume 4: Plato (# 6266) - Theophylaktos (# 8345). Created after preliminary work by F. Winkelmann . Published by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. De Gruyter, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-11-016674-7 , p. 287 No. 7169.