Symphorien Gaillemin

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Symphorien Gaillemin (born January 25, 1839 in Corniéville , † August 10, 1917 in Lérins ) was a French Roman Catholic clergyman, Cistercian abbot , author, editor and translator.

life and work

Monk in Sénanque and Lérins

Auguste Gaillemin, born in Corniéville near Commercy (today the parish of Geville), attended the seminary in Verdun . In 1863 he entered the Cistercian monastery Sénanque , which was repopulated by Marie-Bernard Barnouin in 1854, and took the religious name Symphorien (after Saint Symphorianus of Autun ). In 1864 he was ordained a priest in Avignon . In 1869 he made his solemn profession . In 1870 he was a clergyman in the women's convent Notre-Dame de Salagon in Mane , in 1871 and 1872 a monk in Lérins, and in 1873 for a few months in the Fontfroide monastery .

Abbot (Prior) in Hautecombe

In October 1873 he moved to the Hautecombe Priory , where he was elected subprior in 1878 and prior in 1888. He turned down the election as Abbot of Sénanque in 1898 in order to be able to stay in Hautecombe. Thereupon Archbishop François Hautin von Chambéry achieved the title of abbot of the former monastery Grandselve for him in the Vatican . Thanks to the close ties to the Savoy royal family , he was able to protect his monastery from the religious hostility of the Third Republic . In 1910 he resigned and went back to Lérins, where he died at the age of 78.

Biographer and Cistercian researcher

Gaillemin published biographies of King Karl Felix of Sardinia , the restorer of Hautecombe, of Jean Léonard , the holy abbot of Fontfroide, and of Louis-Joseph-Gabriel-Anastase Varet, 1841–1895, holy canon of Chambéry. In the discussion about the separation of the Cistercian order into general and strict observance, he published a statistical overview of all affected monasteries. He responded to the separation that took place in 1892 and which he deeply regretted with a magazine entitled L'Union cistercienne (The Cistercian Unity), which appeared for four years (in two volumes, with a total of around a thousand pages). Then he had to bow to reality.

Comment on the name

Several contemporary sources inadvertently refer to it as “Symphorien Guillemin”.



  • Charles Félix de Savoie. Roi de Sardaigne, restaurateur d'Hautecombe. Sa vie intimate par un religieux de cette abbaye. Hautecombe 1881.
  • Le Rèvèrendissime Père Dom Marie-Jean Léonard, abbé de Fontfroide , par un Religieux de la Congrégation de Sénanque. Annecy 1895-1896.
  • Un homme de bien, M. le chanoine Varet, de la métropole de Chambéry. Essai biographique . Annecy 1897.

Cistercian orders in the past and present

  • Status generalis abbatiarum, prioratuum, monasteriorum in quibus per universum orbem Deo militant filii aut filiae S. Bernardi anno jubilaeo 1891 . Bregenz 1891 = Cistercienser-Chronik 3 (1891), pp. 238–249, 270–282, 299–321, 341–354.
  • L'Union Cistercienne. Revue historique, biographique, liturgique, ascétique, anecdotique . Hautecombe 1892-1896.
  • Manuel des Cérémonies et Coutumes de l'Ordre de Citeaux, avec pratiques propres de la Congrégation de Sénanque . Annecy 1899.
  • Constitutions des Cisterciennes de l'Immaculée-Conception . Annecy 1906.
  • (Translator) La Règle Cistercienne primitive, telle qu'elle fut pratiquée et enseignée par S. Bernard, entièrement traduite sur le texte du manuscrit-type de Citeaux, au XIIe siècle . Lérins 1906.


  • Charles de Chazelles: Allocution prononcée par Mgr de Chazelles, ancien évêqué élu d'Arethuse, suffragant de SG Mgr Baptifollier, évêque de Mende, chanoine du Latran, au service célébré pour le repos de l'âme de dom Symphorien de Grandveve, fig , ancien prieur de l'abbaye royale de Hautecombe, le 15 octobre 1917, en l'église abbatiale de Lérins . Besançon 1918.
  • Immo Eberl : The Cistercians. History of a European Order . 2nd Edition. Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2007, pp. 497–501.
  • Abbé André Gaillemin: “Un Abbé Cistercien Meusien. Le Révérend Père Marie-Symphorien Gaillemin ». In: Bulletin des sociétés d'histoire et d'archéologie de la Meuse 26, 1990, pp. 179–188.
  • Sommaire des cérémonies pour la bénédiction d'un abbé à l'occasion de la bénédiction dans l'église d'Hautecombe du RP dom Marie-Symphorien Gaillemin, Abbé titulaire de Grans Françelve par SG Mgrois Hautin . Annecy 1898.

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