Daughters of sin

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Daughters of Sin is the fifth novel in the family saga of the wandering whore by the writer couple Iny Lorentz . The protagonist in this novel is Falko zu Kibitzstein, the son of Marie Adler.


The story begins in Franconia in 1451. To the east of Würzburg lies Kibitzstein Castle, invented by the writer duo. In the following year, the Roman-German King Friedrich III. to be crowned emperor in Rome. There is murder and treason in Rome. One of Friedrich III's sources, Cardinal Tadeo Foscarelli, is killed. The Würzburg Prince-Bishop Gottfried IV. Schenk von Limpurg sends loyal people to Rome to secure the safe coronation of Friedrich III. from the House of Habsburg . The leader and travel marshal of the train is Falko. You travel via Freiburg i. Br., Basel, Olten, Sempach, Lucerne, Flüelen, St. Gotthard, Bellinzona, Florence to Rome. In Alsace shortly before Basel, Falko kills four robbers with a bare sword and drives two more to flight after they had already murdered three people traveling ahead and almost Margarete as well. On the trip to Rome, Falko falls in love with the abbess Elisabeth, but can control herself. Without prejudice to the Vatican, you will reach the pilgrim hostel Campus Santa Teudonico , which is subject to the emperor's law.

The stay in Rome is neither safe nor dry. The Tedesci find the best wine in Caspares tavern in Trastevere near Rome. Conte Ercole Orsini and his follower Dario d'Specchi are planning on the occasion of the visit of Friedrich III. an assassination attempt on them in Rome. Girio d'Specchi and his henchman Gianni are hired as an assassin. Falko zu Kibitzstein enters into two “lewd” love affairs in Rome with the daughter of a Conte, Francesca Orsini, and the abbess of the Tre Fontane monastery , Elisabeth. Falko went to see the Conte Ercole Orsini. Falko's friends fear that this will endanger their mission, but this does not happen. On March 19, 1452, Frederick III, the Roman-German King, was crowned Emperor by Pope Nicholas V in Rome . On the same day he marries Eleonora, the king's daughter of Portugal .

Both of Falko's lovers become pregnant, the fruit of every relationship is a daughter (daughters of sin). Father Luciano forged the church book of Santa Maria in Trastevere , married Falko on paper to the already deceased Francesca and passed both children off as twins and only daughters of Francesca. In this way, Orsinis accept the fate of their daughter Francesca, who died after childbirth, and their granddaughters, who are said to have been born in wedlock.

In a silent ceremony, Falko and Margarete are married by Father Luciano shortly before their return journey. The tour group's route to the north leads via Florence, Bologna, Milan, Bellinzona, Flüelen, Basel and down the Rhine to Mainz. From there they can be towed up the Main to Dettelbach . Finally they ride to the imperial-free castle. There Marie Adler recognizes: "Everything is going well on Kibitzstein."

People and fictional characters

Family of the wandering whore

  • Marie Adler: widow on Kibitzstein (former hiking whore)
  • Trudi (Hiltrud): Marie's and Michel's oldest daughter
  • Peter von Eichenloh: husband of Trudi (Hiltrud)
  • Falko Adler, Reichsritter zu Kibitzstein: Marie's and Michel's son
  • Lisa von Hettenheim: Marie's and Michel's foster daughter
  • Otto Graf von Henneberg: husband of Lisa
  • Hildegard: Marie's stepdaughter

Participant of the passenger train

  • Elisabeth Schenk zu Limpurg: niece of the prince-bishop, abbess of the convent Tre Fontane , mistress of Falko, mother of Michaela Maria
  • Falko Adler: sh. above
  • Giso von Ziegenhain, priest: childhood friend Falkos
  • Hilbrecht von Hettenheim, Junker: childhood friend Falkos, later husband of Maria Angela
  • Oskar von Frammenberg, knight: husband of Edelgunde, uncle of Margarete
  • Edelgunde von Frammenberg: wife of Oskar, aunt of Margarete
  • Margarete: niece of Edelgunde, later wife of Falko


  • Ercole Orsini, Conte: Roman, father of Francesca, enemy of Friedrich III.
  • Francesca Orsini: Roman, mistress of Falko, mother of Marie Flavia
  • Dario d'Specchi: Girio's father, clerk and notary
  • Isotta d'Specchi: birth mother of Maria Angela, beaten and scourged wife of Dario
  • Girio d'Specchi: murderer and traitor, son (bastard) of Dario d'Specchi
  • Gianni: prevented assassin by Friedrich III.
  • Marioza Caspare: landlady of a tavern in Trastevere near Rome, foster mother of Maria Angela
  • (Katharina) Maria Angela Caspare b. d'Specchi: alleged landlady from Trastevere, later wife of Hilbrecht

More people

  • Friedrich III. , Roman-German king, emperor since 1452 (historical person)
  • Gottfried IV Schenk von Limpurg : Prince-Bishop of Würzburg (historical person)
  • Father Luciano: the Prince-Bishop's informer, priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere , confessor of Maria Angela
  • Michi (Michel) von Ziegenhain, knight: brother of Giso, bearer of the imperial regalia
  • Marie Flavia: daughter of Falko and Francesca (daughter of sin)
  • Michaela Maria: daughter of Falko and Elisabeth (daughter of sin)


  • Iny Lorentz, daughters of sin. Historical novel. Droemer Knaur, Munich 2001, paperback, 784 pages, ISBN 978-3-426-63524-7 .


  • Audiobook daughters of sin. Edited version. Read by Anne Moll. Bastei Lübbe (Lübbe Audio) 2011, 409 minutes, ISBN 978-3-7857-4557-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. "Iny Lorentz" correctly stands for the writer couple Iny Klocke and Elmar Wohlrath. droemer-knaur.de, accessed on April 16, 2013
  2. Elmar Lorentz alias Gheron (contribution from June 7, 2006 11:33 am): “This castle is our invention. Your location would be near Volkach am Main. ”Buechereule.de, accessed on April 16, 2013