Tadeusz Bartoś

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Tadeusz Bartoś

Tadeusz Bartoś (born July 31, 1967 in Krotoszyn ) is a Polish philosopher, Catholic theologian, publicist and professor at the Aleksander Gieysztor Humanistic Academy in Pułtusk .

Tadeusz Bartoś joined the Dominican Order on September 8, 1987 . From 1987 to 1993 he studied theology at the Philosophical-Theological College of the Dominican Order in Krakow and was ordained a priest on May 22, 1993 . In 1993 he defended his master's thesis at the Pontifical John Paul II University in Krakow. 1994 to 1998 he wrote his doctoral thesis on the love theory of Thomas Aquinas. Study of the commentary on the book "On the Names of God" by Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita . In 2007 he received his habilitation for the work Metaphysical Landscape. The world according to Thomas Aquinas .

He gave lectures on philosophical anthropology at the Dominican philosophical-theological colleges in Krakow and Warsaw and was co-founder and director of the Dominican study of philosophy and theology in Warsaw. Bartoś was mainly concerned with the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas . He also commented on current events in the life of the Catholic Church in daily newspapers and weeklies. Because of often controversial statements he was heavily criticized by the church hierarchy in Poland. He left the Dominican Order on January 25, 2007 and has lived in Warsaw ever since. His book on the pontificate of Pope John Paul II , published in 2008, earned the author sharp criticism from the conservative media. Bartoś was appointed associate professor at the Aleksander Gieysztor Humanistic Academy in Pułtusk.

Works (selection)

  • Jan Paweł II. Analiza krytyczna (John Paul II. Critical Analysis), Warszawa 2008. ISBN 978-83-60457-46-7 .
  • Koniec prawdy absolutnej. Tomasz z Akwinu w epoce późnej nowoczesności (The End of Absolute Truth. Thomas Aquinas in the Late Modern Era ), Warszawa 2010. ISBN 978-83-7414-808-5 .
  • Metafizyczny pejzaż. Świat według Tomasza z Akwinu (Metaphysical Landscape. The World According to Thomas Aquinas), Kraków 2006. ISBN 83-89598-93-0 .
  • Tomasza z Akwinu teoria miłości. Studium nad Komentarzem do księgi "O imionach Bożych" Pseudo-Dionizego Areopagity , (The theory of love by Thomas Aquinas . Study on the commentary on the book "On the Names of God" by Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita ), Kraków 2004. ISBN 83-89598-27 -2 .
  • Wolność, równość, katolicyzm (Freedom, Equality, Catholicism), Warszawa 2007. ISBN 978-83-7414-339-4 .
  • Nowe światło. Kościół a teologia dwudziestego wieku (New Light. The Church and Theology of the 20th Century), arr. T. Bartoś, Kraków 2008. ISBN 978-83-89598-55-4 .
  • Thomas Aquinas, Komentarz do Ewangelii Jana (Commentary on the Gospel of John), trans. T. Bartoś, Kęty 2002. ISBN 83-88524-20-8 .

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