Taglung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
stag lung zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal
Other spellings:
Taklung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
Chinese name
Simplified :
晓 仲 • 阿旺 南杰;
达隆 • 阿旺 朗杰
Pinyin :
Xiaozhong Awang Nanjie;
Dalong Awang Langjie

Taglung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel ( Tib .: stag lung zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal ; * 1571 ; † 1626 ) was a clergyman of the Taglung Kagyu ( Tib . : stag lung bka 'brgyud ) school of the Kagyü school tradition of Tibetan Buddhism . He is a member of the Shabdrung Rinpoches ( Tib .: stag lung zhabs drung ) series and was the 17th abbot of the Taglung Monastery .

Ngawang Namgyel is the author of a history of Buddhism focusing on the Taglung Kagyu school, the Taglung Chöchung . A modern edition appeared in the Tibetan book series gangs can rig mdzod .

Thuken Lobsang Choekyi Nyima ( Tib. Thu'u bkwan blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma ; 1737 - 1802 ) is in his Crystal of philosophical teaching systems ( . Tib dug mtha 'shel gyi me long ) noted that in his day quite a few monasteries and monks from the Gazi ( ga zi ) family line and the reincarnation line of the Trulkus of the Upper Taglung (Taglung Yarthang) and Lower Taglung (Taglung Marthang) branches.

See also


reference books

  • Dan Martin, Yael Bentor (eds.): Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works (London, Serindia 1997), ISBN 0906026431 (No. 202) - ( Addenda et Corrigenda )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. tib. Stag ment ; Chinese Dalong si 达隆 寺
  2. T. sTag-lung chos-'byung; Chinese Dalong jiaoshi 达隆 教 史 or Dalong jiaoshi 达 龙 教 史; tib. སྟག་ ལུང་ ཆོས་ འབྱུང་; Wylie: stag lung chos' byung (= Brgyud pa Yid bzhin Nor bu'i Rtogs pa Brjod pa Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho).
  3. Edited by Talin Qiangba Ciren 塔林 • 强 巴 次仁, 1st edition Dec. 1992, Bod ljongs Bod yig Dpe Rnying Dpe skrun khang ( gangs can rig mdzod 22).
  4. "现在 告 斯 的 血统 法 脉 和 耶 塘 、 玛 塘 活佛 转世 的 世系 均 相承 未 替 , 寺院 的 僧伽 亦复 不少。" - Thuken Lobsang Chökyi Nyima : Crystal mirror of the philosophical systems of teaching ( grub mtha 'shel gyi me long ), quoted from: zmxh.com: 土 观 宗派 源流 (Chinese) - accessed December 31, 2011
Taglung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel (alternative names of the lemma)
Taglung Ngawang Namgyel; Ngawang Namgyel; Taklung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal; Ngawang Namgyal; sTag Lung Ngag dbang rnam rgyal; Taglung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel; sTag Lung Ngag dbang rnam rgyal; stag lung zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal; Dalong Awang Langjie 达隆 • 阿旺 朗杰; Xiaozhong Awang Nanjie; 晓 仲 • 阿旺 南杰; Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel: Taklung Ngawang Namgyal; Shapdrung Ngawang Namgyal; stag lung ngag dbang rnam rgyal; lung zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal; stag lung ngag dbang rnam rgyal; Taglungpa Ngawang Namgyel; Taklung Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal; stag lung zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal