Tapas (film)

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German title tapas
Original title tapas
Country of production Spain
original language Spanish
Publishing year 2005
length 94 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director José Corbacho
Juan Cruz
script José Corbacho
Juan Cruz
production El Terrat
music Pablo Sala
camera Guillermo Granillo
cut David Gallart
Liliana Nadal

Tapas is a Spanish film from 2005 that tells comedy-like stories from the lives of "little people" around a tapas bar in a suburb of Barcelona .


Manolo's tapas bar is threatened by chaos: his wife has left the choleric and now nobody is in the kitchen. As a substitute, the Chinese Mao starts with him, who celebrates pan turning like a martial art. So that no one finds out about Manolo's shame, Mao has to stay in the kitchen all the time and be called by his wife's name. Only the prostitute, with whom he has been hanging out for years, Manolo complains of his suffering and she advises him to look for his wife. But he says he can't close the bar, especially since a big birthday party is coming up.

Friends Opo and César, two supermarket assistants, are looking forward to César's birthday party and plenty of ladies' acquaintances in the summer vacation that follows. At least Opo likes to brag here, but the quieter César makes the acquaintance of the vegetable woman Raquel. They start a short hot affair, even though they have had an internet relationship with an Argentinian for a year.

Meanwhile, Opo is getting drugs for the birthday party - from Doña Conchi, who is getting a better pension with this deal in Lolos Bar. It also ensures that your husband has a particularly pleasant last few days after his lung cancer diagnosis.

Since Mao has been in the kitchen, it has been sparkling clean and the food tastes better for customers. This is no wonder, because Mao was a top chef in China and takes inspiration from Ferran Adrià in the tapas bar . The birthday menu for César becomes a success without breaking Manolo's budget. The downer for César, however, is that Raquel breaks up and stays with her Argentinian, who appears the next day.

Manolo is slowly losing his skepticism towards Mao. After the latter reveals to him that he came to Barcelona for love ("Love is like a plant. If you don't water it every day, it dries up"), Manolo lets him run the bar while he looks for his wife power.


There are also awards and nominations for actors, namely for Ángel de Andrés López and several Elvira Mínguez.

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