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Tektamos ( Greek  Τέκταμος ), also Tektaphos (Τέκταφος) or Teutamos (Τεύταμος) is in Greek mythology, a Cretan rulers and husband of the daughter of Cretheus . With her he fathered Asterios , the adoptive father of Minos , Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon .

According to Diodor (Diod. Sic. 4,60,2) Tektamos was the son of Doros , the ancestor of the Dorians , grandson of Hellen and great-grandson of Deucalion . He came from the later Hestiaiotis in Northwestern Hessen . Tektamos left his homeland of Thessaly with some settlers and moved to Crete with subsequent Aiolers and Pelasgians , where he became king of the island.

Karl Hoeck spoke out in favor of the spelling Teutamos , as the name was borrowed from Pelasger genealogies . Following this, Fred C. Woudhuizen derives the word Τεύταμος (Diod. Sic. 4,60,2) or Τευταμίας (Apollod. Bibl. 2,4,4) from the proto-Indo-European root * teutā- for " people " or " Trunk ".


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Diodorus Siculus : Bibliotheca Historica. Book 4, 60, 2nd Perseus Digital Library, accessed May 13, 2014 (Greek). ; Diodorus Siculus: Biblioteke. University of Graz, accessed on May 13, 2014 .
  2. ^ Karl Otfried Müller : Stories of Hellenic Tribes and Cities . Second volume: The Dorians . Josef Max, Breslau 1824, p. 31 ( online [accessed May 13, 2014]).
  3. ^ Adolf Schirmer: Asterion 1 . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 1,1, Leipzig 1886, Col. 656 f. ( Digitized version ) ..
  4. Karl Hoeck : Crete: An attempt to illuminate the mythology and history, the religion and constitution of this island, from the oldest times to the Roman rule . tape 2 . Rosenbusch, Göttingen 1828, Volksbestandtheile, note b), p. 24-25 ( digitized version ).
  5. ^ Fred C. Woudhuizen: Indo-Europeanization in the Mediterranean . Shikanda, Haarlem 2018, ISBN 978-90-78382-28-7 , Towards a Chronological Framework for Significant Dialectal Tendencies in Indo-European, p. 92 (English).

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