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Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)

Arowana ( Osteoglossum bicirrhosum )

Sub-stem : Vertebrates (vertebrata)
Superclass : Jaw mouths (Gnathostomata)
Class : Ray fins (Actinopterygii)
Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Scientific name
de Pinna , 1996

The Teleocephala include all recent real bony fish (Teleostei) and were created by Mário de Pinna (1996) only to be able to exclude some extinct, more primitive "precursors". They thus include the four surviving Teleosteer cohorts of the Elopomorpha , Osteoglossomorpha , Otomorpha and Euteleosteomorpha .


The teleocephala can be characterized by the following anatomical features (Wiley and Johnson 2010):

  1. Three bony pharyngobranchialia (uppermost bones of the gill cage), the fourth cartilaginous and with a tooth plate.
  2. Craniotemporal muscle (a subdivision of the epaxonic trunk muscle package) between the supraoccipital and supratemporal (skull bones).
  3. Five or fewer uroneuralia in the caudal fin skeleton . One can distinguish three upper uroneuralia (or fewer) from a group of anterior ones, which lie more horizontally. The UN 1 extends at the front to PU 2 (penultimate, hollowed tail vertebra).
  4. Additional nasal sacs are available and are used to flow through the fish nose when the mouth is moved.
  5. Each dorsal fin beam is in line with a fin support .
  6. A basihyale, an element between the hyoid bones , is available as a replacement bone .
  7. Lateral telencephalon bundle myelinated .
  8. The lobus vestibulolateralis of the cerebellum is anteriorly (laterally) without a cavity (without a lumen ).


  • EO Wiley & G. David Johnson: A teleost classification based on monophyletic groups. in Joseph S. Nelson, Hans-Peter Schultze & Mark VH Wilson: Origin and Phylogenetic Interrelationships of Teleosts. 2010, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munich, ISBN 978-3-89937-107-9