Telephos (Euripides)

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Telephos ( ancient Greek Τήλεφος ) is a tragedy by the Greek playwright Euripides , preserved in fragments . Chr. A as the third part of Fallot was first performed. The first two parts of the tetralogy were Die Kreterinnen and Alkmaion in Psophis , the fourth part was Alcestis .

The play deals with an episode from the myth of the Mysian king Telephos . The Greeks had accidentally landed in Mysia on their expedition to Troy and got involved in fighting in which Telephus was wounded by Achilles . When the wound does not heal after the battle, Telephos questions an oracle and receives the oracle that only he can heal the wound who inflicted it on him. Telephos then went to Argos , where Achilles had set up camp after trying in vain to find Troy. Disguised as a beggar, Telephos arrives in his camp. There he takes the child Orestes hostage and thus forces his wound to heal.

The motif of the king dressed in rags was adopted in 425 BC. Parodied by Aristophanes in Die Acharner , the oldest surviving work by Aristophanes, in which Euripides also appears as an acting person.



  • Eric W. Handley , John Rea: The Telephus of Euripides . In: The Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies , Supplement Volume 5. University of London 1957.
  • Albin Lesky : History of Greek Literature . Francke, Bern 1957. p. 417.
  • Rainer Nickel : Lexicon of ancient literature . Artemis & Winkler, Düsseldorf / Zurich 1999.


  1. Aristophanes The Acharnians 430 ff.