Ten no hate made

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Ten no Hate Made ( Japanese天 の 涯 ま で, Up to Heaven ) is a completed manga series by the Japanese artist Riyoko Ikeda ( The Roses of Versailles ). It deals with a section of Polish history in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Ten no Hate Made was published in three volumes by Asahi Shinbunsa in 1990 . The series was released in Poland in 1996 under the title Aż do nieba and was the first manga in the Polish language. So far this is the only publication outside of Japan, a publication in German is not yet planned.


The manga deals with the historical events in Poland at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. At that time Poland was divided , later it no longer existed on the maps until Napoleon founded the Duchy of Warsaw . The story tells the life of Prince Josef Poniatowski , who suffered badly under Poland's oppression and wanted to help his homeland to its freedom. The author refers to historical personalities, but does not stick too closely to historical facts.

First volume

Andreas Poniatowski, the brother of the Polish king, has just returned from Vienna and is celebrating his wedding to Teresa. Suddenly he leaves the party and returns a short time later with a child in his arms. This child has just been given to him by a former lover, Natascha, who has fled Russia. The woman dies on arrival and Andreas has no choice but to look after the child. He also immediately proclaims that his son will be his rightful successor.

In the meantime, an unhappy king, Stanislaw August, can be found in the royal palace. He wants to make his relatives understand that he would give up his royal office because he wanted to be with his beloved, Katarina the Great.
Some time later. Teresa and Andreas have had more offspring. Teresa is certain that Felix will become the new king. Since the reigning king has no sons, the sons of his brother Andreas come first. But Andreas has chosen Josef, the illegitimate son, to be his successor. Said Andreas is meanwhile with his lover Henrietta. But he leaves shortly afterwards because he wants to meet with a secret group whose goal is to give the oppressed Poland back his freedom. When he returns home, he introduces Tadeus Kosciuszko to his household before suddenly collapsing. Tadeus attacked him because he rejected the royal family as the tsarina's puppets. Nonetheless, Andreas enables the young man to attend a new military school. What is decisive, however, is that the freedom fighter had impressed young Josef so much that it would mark him all his life. Shortly afterwards, at the behest of the king, Andreas has to go to war against his own organization. He comes home seriously ill and dies. His lover Henriette takes care of his son. She also becomes a lover for Joseph.

Second volume

Josef has grown up and has proven himself as a soldier. Now he has to decide whether he wants to serve in the Russian or Austrian army and he chooses Austria. Nine years passed and when Joseph returned to Poland in 1787, his lover Henrietta already had a new lover, although she still loved Joseph. He also finds that Stanislaw's position as king is severely weakened. When he later sets off on a trip with his uncle, Felix meets the naive Zelia Sitanska. Since Felix is ​​very fascinated by this woman, he takes advantage of her naivete and as a result she becomes pregnant. Then Zelia's angry father appears and demands that Josef recognize the child. Since Zelia named her child Josef, her father now believes that Joseph is the child's father. Much to Felix's annoyance, Josef also recognizes the child. Felix would rather keep the child and marry Zelia, but his mother Teresa is appalled by the idea. Felix is ​​married to a bride whom Teresa chooses for him. This is not the only wedding in this band. The younger sister of Josef's best friend Theodor is also married. Meanwhile, the story is approaching one of the most important dates in Polish history, May 3, 1791 . Stanislaw tries to get the Sejm (Polish Parliament) on his side to enforce a new, independent constitution. Josef supports his uncle as much as he can, while Felix repeatedly intrigues against his uncle. The king's opponents enter into a deal with Catherine the Great, who then orders her army to attack Poland. Josef, on the other hand, accompanies the Polish army and tries to repel the Russian army on the border with Ukraine .

Third volume

However, the situation of the Polish army is hopeless. Catherine's army is constantly pushing back the Polish army. In addition, the scheming Tsarina succeeds in the peace negotiations between Stanislaw and her in that the king has to stand against his own army. Bitter and disappointed, Josef leaves the country at the end of the war. When he returns, he finds that his long-time friend Tadeus has been infected by the enthusiasm for the French Revolution . He wants to build an army that not only consists of nobles, but is also accessible to the people of the bourgeoisie and the peasant class. However, since this would mean the end of the monarchy in Poland, Joseph dissolves his friendship with Tadeus. Then Josef throws himself, this time with Felix at his side, in the fight for Poland's freedom, but the project does not succeed. Felix dies trying to sneak into the enemy camp. Stanislaw August has to abdicate and Poland is divided among the powers Russia, Germany and Austria. Then Napoleon Bonaparte appears, promising freedom to Poland. The general takes a liking to Josef's childhood friend Maria Walewska, but she is very reluctant to cheat on her husband. But after both Josef and everyone else, and finally her husband, talk to her, she begins an affair with Napoleon. And in fact he managed to give Poland back independence for a short time when he founded the Duchy of Warsaw. While Henrietta is still longingly waiting for Josef, he goes to war with Napoleon. After being wounded, he stopped in Krakow and when he later returned to Warsaw he brought a wife and their son Felix with him. He asks Henrietta to grant them accommodation until he has found accommodation. But the war continues and this time Josef is marching to Leipzig . The Battle of Leipzig , loses in Napoleon, Joseph did not survive. As previously promised, Henrietta takes poison after his death. Theodor, Josef's friend, becomes a successful businessman, his sister Maria follows Napoleon into exile. In 1815 , at the Congress of Vienna , Europe's borders were redrawn and Poland became a kingdom again, but did not achieve full independence until the 20th century.


He is the main character in this story. He is the illegitimate son of Andreas Poniatowski and Natascha Suvorov, who is married to a Russian general. He suffered from his stepmother in his youth and his father also had little time for him. So he develops into a troublemaker and daredevil, but later fights actively for the freedom of his fatherland.
  • Henrietta Vauban (historical person)
The lady is initially one of Andreas Poniatowski's mistresses and turns to his son Josef after his death. He also calls it Wratka. (The historical Henrietta was only Joseph's beloved)
  • Andreas Poniatowski (Polish Andrzej Poniatowski, historical person)
He is the brother of the Polish king, you Josef's father. He has numerous affairs, so it is no surprise that one of his loved ones turns up one day and explains to him that he has a son. (In the manga he is portrayed as a member of the organization "Party of Patriots", which he was not.)
  • Teresa Poniatowski (Polish Teresa Poniatowska, historical person)
She is Andrea's wife. She wants to see her son Felix on the throne. Since Joseph is the firstborn to have this right, she lets him feel that he is unwelcome to her. (The historical Teresa loved her stepson, but he never returned her love.)
  • Felix Poniatowski
He is Josef's step-brother and Teresa's biological son. He inherits his mother's hatred of his stepbrother and tries by all means to make life difficult for him.
He is the Polish king. He is a very clever ruler, but he has a weak character. He raves about Katarina the Great, which does not make him popular with the people during the time of Poland's oppression by Russia.
She is the tsarina of Russia and uses her popularity with the Polish king for the benefit of her political power. The affair with Stanislav is an open secret.
  • Zelia Sitanska (historical person)
She has a liaison with Felix and as a result becomes pregnant unintentionally. (The historical Zelia had a child with Josef. After all, Felix never existed.)
  • Theodor Locienski
He is Josef's best friend and always supports him. He wants Joseph to marry his little sister Maria, much to his displeasure.
  • Maria Locienska
She is Theodor's younger sister and still a little girl when she meets Joseph for the first time. Her first husband is Prince Waleski, but due to political circumstances she later becomes Napoleon's lover, as Joseph asks her to do.
Tadeus is a Polish hero. He is the only one who pays his attention to little Josef, who has more than admired him since then. (Tadeusz Kościuszko also fought for the independence of the United States of America.)