Tezelin Halusa

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Halusa as a young monk.

Tezelin Halusa OCist (born November 6, 1870 in Frainspitz , † September 28, 1953 in Heiligenkreuz ), pseudonyms: AT Ast , Religiosus O. Cist. and Hugin and Munin (for dual authorship with his brother, Josef), was an Austrian Cistercian and writer .


As a conventual of the Heiligenkreuz Abbey , he developed a lively journalistic and writing activity. From 1895 he published his research into the history of his monastery in the Cistercian Chronicle and in the studies and communications from the Benedictine order . Other treatises on the history of the order dealt with Bernhard von Clairvaux .

When not writing on historical subjects or hagiography , Halusa devoted himself to subjects from pastoral theology and spirituality . The sacrament of confession (also the related public confession of the monks, the debt chapter ) and the Eucharist were often the subjects of his writings. In several small fonts, he devoted himself to exemplary reports from people who had converted to Catholicism.

Halusa was in contact with the Klosterneuburg canon Berthold Egger (1852-1891) and published articles and book reviews in Egger's correspondence sheet for the Catholic clergy in Austria .

Works (in selection)

  • Heinrich Heine: In characteristic trains on the 100th [one hundredth] birthday (Munich (among others) 1899). Digitized
  • Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot and Doctor of the Church. With a plan of the Cisteaux monastery, a portrait of the saint and 5 inset photos (Dülmen 1906).
  • The chapter of debt of the religious. A study (2nd edition, Paderborn 1912).
  • To the house of the heart of Jesus. A picture of a convert from the present (Innsbruck 1915).
  • The renewal of the world through the precious blood (Munich 1931).
  • The founding of the Cistercian Abbey Heiligenkreuz (Vienna 1935).
  • On the scientific activity of the abolished Cistercian Abbey of Wellehrad in Moravia (Austria) , in: SMBO vol. 19.


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