Theodor Gehr

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Theodor Gehr (* 1663 in Christburg , West Prussia ; † March 1707 in Löbenicht ) was a German educator. In his short life he was a pioneer of pietism in Königsberg.


Gehr attended the Löbenichtsche Realgymnasium . At the Albertus University in Königsberg , he first studied Protestant theology , then law . In 1689 he became electoral lumberjack in Königsberg. In 1693 he contacted Philipp Jacob Spener and in 1697 with the Halle theologians. Converted to Pietism there , he wanted to set up something similar to the Francke Foundations in Königsberg . On August 11, 1698, he set up a collegium pietatis , a home school with Latin lessons, in his house on the Sackheim for four girls and two boys . In addition, the first school for the poor came in 1699, which became important for the development of popular education. The pietistic private school was a thorn in the side of Orthodox Lutheranism in particular . In 1701 it was placed under the protection of Frederick I (Prussia) as a royal school on the occasion of Prussia's elevation to kingdom . So it was named Collegium Fridericianum . The Halle friends assigned Gehr Heinrich Lysius as director. In 1703 Gehr bought the property on Kollegienplatz. The theological faculty appointed him associate professor . 17 years before the unification of the three cities of Königsberg, Gehr died at the age of 44.

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Date of death according to Kühn (1862)
  2. a b Manfred Kühn: Kant, a biography
  3. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, p. 90
  4. ^ Prussianism and Pietism
  5. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, p. 98