Theodor Kanitzer

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Theodor Kanitzer (born June 16, 1926 in Vienna ) is President of the International Chopin Society and the "Austrian-Polish Society" and a recognized Chopin expert.


After attending elementary and middle school, Kanitzer began an apprenticeship in radio and electronics retail and completed it with the assistant examination. He then graduated from the Albertgymnasium in Vienna and studied political science at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Vienna , which he completed with a doctorate. During his doctoral studies, he already gave lectures in sociology, film, music and the visual arts.

Kanitzer has been a member of the Austro-Polish Society since 1953 and has been Executive President of the Austro-Polish Society since 1971. In 1974 the presidency of the "International Chopin Society" followed. In 1975, together with Vice Chancellor and Trade Minister Fritz Bock , the “Economic Forum” was founded to promote economic relations between the two countries.


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