Theodor Möstel

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Theodor Möstel

Theodor Möstel (born January 2, 1564 in Dresden ; † May 19, 1626 or March 22, 1628 in Leipzig ) was an Electoral Saxon lawyer and mayor of Leipzig a total of eight times between 1604 and 1625 .


Theodor Möstel was born as the son of Theodor (the elder) Möstel (* 1528 in Plauen; † July 11, 1586 in Leipzig). His father studied in Wittenberg , did his master's degree and, on Melanchthon's recommendation, became rector of the Kreuzschule in Dresden in 1558 , town clerk in Dresden from 1566–1568 and councilor in Dresden from 1567–1568, and from 1568 pronotary in Leipzig . Theodor (the younger) studied and obtained his doctorate as Dr. iur. In 1598 he became a council member of the city of Leipzig. He was mayor here in 1604, 1607, 1610, 1613, 1616, 1619, 1622 and 1625. Möstel also served as the elector's councilor of appeal .

Möstel bought the Pötzschker Mark in 1612 and owned the village of Großmiltitz . In addition, in 1622 he bought the Schönau manor from the city of Leipzig for 2,000 guilders . There he founded a school and in 1624 the picture of the Last Supper for the church, on which he and other Leipzig councilors and members of his family are depicted as apostles. He was also the owner of the Elephant Pharmacy in Freiberg from 1623 to 1624 .

Today's Garskestrasse in Schönau bore his name, Möstelstrasse, until 1950. He was buried at the Leipzig University Church.

Individual evidence

  1. Cornelius Gurlitt : Schönau. In:  Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony. 16. Issue: Amtshauptmannschaft Leipzig (Leipzig Land) . CC Meinhold, Dresden 1894, p. 111.


  • Karin Kühling, Doris Mundus: Leipzig's ruling mayors from the 13th century to the present. An overview with biographical sketches. Sax-Verlag, Beucha 2000, ISBN 3-934544-02-9 .