Thomas Fiske

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Thomas Scott Fiske (1903/04)

Thomas Scott Fiske (born May 12, 1865 in New York City , † January 10, 1944 in Poughkeepsie ) was an American mathematician.


Fiske attended Columbia College (later Columbia University ) with a bachelor's degree in 1885 and an MA in 1886. He spent a year in Cambridge (with Andrew Russell Forsyth and Arthur Cayley, among others ) before he received his doctorate in 1888 at Columbia College (theory of concomitants of algebraic form). He then was a tutor at Columbia College, where he was given a full professorship in 1897 and remained there until his retirement in 1936.

In 1888 he founded the American Mathematical Society , was its secretary until 1895, vice-president from 1898 to 1901 and its president from 1903 to 1904. From 1891 to 1899 he was the editor of their Bulletin and then until 1905 their Transactions. As a research mathematician, he published only a few papers on elliptic integrals and surface integrals.


  • Functions of a Complex Variable, Wiley 1896

Web links

Commons : Thomas Scott Fiske  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b W. Benjamin Fite: Thomas Scott Fiske — In memoriam . In: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . tape 50 , no. 5 , May 1944, ISSN  0002-9904 , pp. 283–283 ( [accessed February 1, 2019]).