Thore D. Hansen

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Thore D. Hansen

Thore D. Hansen (born March 25, 1969 in Sankt Peter-Ording ) is a German journalist and writer .


Hansen grew up in Sankt Peter-Ording, studied political science and sociology in Hamburg and Boston and specialized in the analysis of international politics, research into the causes of war and the work of secret services. Between 1991 and 2010, Hansen initially worked for daily newspapers and magazines in Germany, Austria and Spain. As an Internet pioneer, he experienced the rise and fall of the New Economy in 2001 as a business editor for the Internet magazine Tomorrow and between 2006 and 2010 he also worked as the press spokesman for two major European banks and directly experienced the outbreak of the financial crisis. Since 2010 he has mainly worked as a writer and since 2019 a member of the PEN Center Germany .


Characteristic for his specialization in the international work of secret services was his friendship with the former CIA agent Philip Agee . As a descendant of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Fridtjof Nansen , Hansen felt committed to a peace policy early on, and as a student of Noam Chomsky , he harmonized the connections between US foreign policy and the practical experience of CIA agent Phillip Agee. Hansen's books are characterized by the requirement of factual research in order to question secret and contemporary phenomena and to process them in a fictional manner.

Silent Control , the second novel by Thore D. Hansen published in Germany, was published in November 2012 and describes the potential of data espionage in a dramatic dystopia . In this work too, Hansen combines facts and fiction in order to address the totalitarian potential of the age of digitization . Through the revelations of the former NSA agent Edward Snowden , the reviews attest the work a very strong reference to reality and the author the art of transforming politically explosive topics and insider knowledge into high tension. With Silent Control, Hansen partially anticipated the revelations of Edward Snowden in its effects and consequences for democracy. Shortly after the escalation of the NSA scandal in June 2013, Hansen worked as a consultant on radio and television programs.

The political thriller Quantum Dawn was released in February 2015 . Investigator Rebecca Winter discovered the abysses of the financial market and had to fend off an impending attack on the world's stock exchanges. The story is based on the background of the financial market crisis and the risks of high-frequency trading .

In September 2016, the sequel followed in the form of the political thriller China Dawn , which addresses the impending conflict between the world powers USA and China. Investigator Rebecca Winter in Beijing gets into the abyss of the Chinese elite and discovers the background to the offshore leaks . One of the main characters of the thriller addresses the decades-long practice of the so-called Economic Hit Man , which reveals the practice of the US-dominated World Bank .

In March 2017, Europa-Verlag published the classification of the biography of Brunhilde Pomsel (1911-2017) written by Thore D. Hansen . Brunhilde Pomsel was secretary to Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels from 1942 to 1945 . The non-fiction book Ein Deutsches Leben is based on 30 hours of interview material from the 2017 documentary film of the same name. In a historical comparison, Hansen takes on striking analogies to the political development of the present. The book has been translated into 20 languages ​​worldwide.  


Works by Thore D. Hansen

Audio books

  • Silent Control
  • Quantum Dawn

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thisbooktravels: Translated into 20 languages ​​worldwide. In: A German Life. This Book Travels, March 24, 2018, accessed on March 24, 2018 (German).