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Tiphys ( Greek  Τῖφυς ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

He is the son of Hyrmine and Phorbas or Hagnias .

In the Argonauts legend, Tiphys is the first helmsman of the Argo to steer the ship past the dangerous Symplegaden . Tiphys dies of an illness among the Mariandyn people on the Black Sea . He is buried next to the seer Idmon , who had recently had an accident. His death plunges the Argonauts into deep despair, and they almost give up their journey. Finally, Ankaios , a son of Poseidon , offers himself as the new helmsman, and the Argonauts set off again.

The Boeotian coastal town Tipha based on the many good sailors who had produced it, was proud Tiphys was considered a local hero.


Web links

  • Tiphys. In: Greek Myth Index. Archived from the original on February 1, 2018 .;

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 14.
  2. Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika 1, 105; Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 16.
  3. Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika 2, 851-868; Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 23.
  4. ^ Pausanias , Description of Greece 9, 32, 4.