Titus Calidius Severus

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Gravestone of Titus Calidius Severus

Titus Calidius Severus was a Roman and lived in the 1st century AD and died in Carnuntum . He is only known for his tombstone, which was found in April 1880 and was presented to the Vienna Art History Museum (inventory no. III 365) as a gift from the Petronell community .


The tombstone comes from Carnuntum at the gates of Vienna (municipalities Petronell-Carnuntum and Bad Deutsch-Altenburg in Lower Austria ). The tombstone is made of hard, white limestone from the Leithagebirge , a Leithakalk of the Kaiserstein type .

It has the shape of a tall rectangular stele and is closed at the top by a triangular pediment with a rose window . The tombstone does not show the person of the deceased, but in a two-part pedestal image the equipment of a centurion , the commander of 80 to 100 soldiers of a centuria : in the upper section on the left a scale armor ( lorica squamata ), in the middle a staff ( vitis ) as a badge of rank of the centurion, on the right a helmet with cheek flaps and a diagonal helmet plume as well as greaves ( ocreae ). In the lower section, a groom holds the saddled horse of the officer by the reins .


"T (itus) Calidius / P (ublii filius) Cam (ilia) Sever (us) / eq (ues) item optio / decur (io) coh (ortis) I Alpin (orum) / item leg (ionis) XV Apoll ( inaris) / annor (um) LVIII stip (endiorum) XXXIIII / h (ic) s (itus) e (st) / Q (uintus) Calidius fratri / posuit "

“Titus Calidius Severus, son of Publius, from the tribe of Camilia, rider, then Optio and finally Decurio of the Cohors I Alpinorum , then Centurio of the Legio XV Apollinaris , 58 years old, 34 years of service, is buried here. Quintus Calidius built this tomb for his brother ”.

To person

Titus Calidius came from Italy, as is known from his tribe, the tax and drafting district . He began his military career in an auxiliary unit , the Cohors I Alpinorum, where he was initially a rider ( eques ); after that he served as a non-commissioned officer in the ranks of optio and decurio . Eventually he was promoted to a captain ( centurio ) of the 15th Legion , which - with interruptions - was stationed in Carnuntum from 39/40 to 114 AD. The grave stele is dated to the Flavian period.

In the imperial era , the nominal strength of a legion was 4,800 to 6,000 men; it was divided into ten cohorts , which in turn consisted of six centuries each. The legions were permanently stationed in certain provinces , but could be relocated to crisis areas at any time . Soldiers usually served twenty years, although centurions often served in the army until they died.


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Individual evidence

  1. CIL 03, 11213