Toluenesulfonic acids

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Toluenesulfonic acids
Surname 2-toluenesulfonic acid 3-toluenesulfonic acid 4-toluenesulfonic acid
other names o -Toluenesulfonic acid
2-methylbenzenesulfonic acid
m -toluenesulfonic acid
3-methylbenzenesulfonic acid
p -Toluenesulfonic acid
4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid
Structural formula Structure of 2-toluenesulfonic acid Structure of 3-toluenesulfonic acid Structure of 4-toluenesulfonic acid
CAS number 88-20-0 617-97-0 (as monohydrate)
342385-54-0 (as hydrate)
6192-52-5 (monohydrate)
PubChem 6925 105362 6101
Molecular formula C 7 H 8 O 3 S
Molar mass 172.20 g mol −1
Physical state firmly firmly
Brief description colorless or purple,
pungent-smelling crystals
Melting point 67.5 ° C 111 ° C 106 ° C
boiling point 185-187 ° C
solubility soluble in water soluble in water
07 - Warning
05 - Corrosive 06 - Toxic or very toxic
07 - Warning
H and P phrases 302-315-319-335 301-311-314-331 315-319-335
no EUH phrases no EUH phrases no EUH phrases
261-305 + 351 + 338 261-280-301 + 310-305 + 351 + 338-310 302 + 352-304 + 340-305 + 351 + 338

The toluene sulfonic acids (or methylbenzenesulfonic acids) form a group of substances that is derived from both toluene and benzenesulfonic acid. The structure consists of a benzene ring with attached methyl  (–CH 3 ) and sulfonic acid groups  (–SO 2 OH) as substituents . Their different arrangement results in three constitutional isomers with the empirical formula C 7 H 8 O 3 S. They are primarily to be regarded as methyl-substituted sulfonic acids.


2-Toluenesulfonic acid and 4-toluenesulfonic acid can be obtained by sulfonating toluene with concentrated sulfuric acid, a mixture of the two compounds being formed.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry on 2-Methyl-benzenesulfonic acid in the ChemIDplus database of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), accessed on July 31, 2018 or earlier.
  2. a b data sheet m-Toluenesulfonic acydrate from Sigma-Aldrich , accessed on May 10, 2011 ( PDF ).
  3. a b c d Entry for CAS no. 104-15-4 in the GESTIS substance database of the IFA , accessed on April 22, 2017(JavaScript required) .
  4. Ark Pharm: MSDS 2-Methylbenzenesulfonic acid ( Memento from February 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : Toluenesulfonic Acids  - Collection of images, videos and audio files