Tommy Lee Wallace

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Tommy Lee Wallace (born September 6, 1949 in Somerset , Kentucky ) is an American film director and screenwriter . He is known for his classic horror films .


Tommy Lee Wallace has already made two sequels to films by John Carpenter , Halloween III and Vampires 2 . He began his career in the film business as the editor of the two John Carpenter films Halloween - Die Nacht des Horens (1978) and The Fog (1980). Carpenter hired Tommy Lee Wallace in the first Halloween film as a production designer , art director , location scout and co-editor. Wallace created the iconic mask that Michael Myers wears throughout the film. It was made from a Captain Kirk mask that he bought for $ 1.98. To distinguish it from William Shatner's , who had played Captain Kirk, Wallace widened his eyes and tinted the skin of his face a bluish white. The manuscript stated that Myers' mask had the pale gray features of a human face and looked ghostly.

Filmography (selection)

Direction and script

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