Torres Shire

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Torres Shire
The administrative headquarters are on Thursday Island
State : Australia Australia
State : Flag of Queensland.svg Queensland
Administrative headquarters: Thursday Island
Dates and numbers
Area : 883.7  km²
Residents : 3,610 (2016)
Population density : 4.1 inhabitants per km²

Coordinates: 10 ° 35 '  S , 142 ° 12'  O The Torres Shire is an administrative district ( Local Government Area ) of Queensland . The land area is 884 km² and has about 3600 inhabitants. The Shire consists of the islands on the northeast tip of the Australian continent north of the Cape York Peninsula and is the northernmost administrative municipality in the country. Theadministrative center ison Thursday Island .


The population consists mainly of Torres Strait islanders as well as Asians, Papua New Guineans, Europeans and Aborigines .

In addition to Creole , which developed among the early missionaries, there are three main dialects: Kala Kawa Ya in the northwest and west, Kala Lagau Ya in the central area, and Meriam in the east.

Traditional main economic goods are fisheries, sea ​​cucumbers , mother-of-pearl and, in earlier times , the shells of top snails . There is also a quarry on Horn Island. The main mode of transport in the Torres Shire is boats.


There are five island regions in the Shire:

Then there are the five Aboriginal and island communities of Bamaga, Seisia, Injinoo, Umagico and New Mapoon on the northern tip of Cape York.

Of the 133 islands in the Shire, 38 are inhabited.


Local traffic is mainly carried out by boat. On the mainland, automobiles are also a useful means of locomotion and transportation.


The Horn Iceland (Ngurapai) Airport - on the 8 km from Thursday Iceland remote Horn Iceland - is operated by the municipality. The airport was originally built by the US Air Force during World War II, and it underwent a major overhaul in 1995. The airport is approved for international flights and has two runways.

There are two daily passenger services to Cairns and regular connections to most of the islands. In addition, there are charter services that also include helicopters .


The Torres Shire Council has eight members who are elected by LGA residents. Torres Shire is not divided into districts. The mayor of the council is also recruited from among the councilors.


  1. a b Australian Bureau of Statistics : Torres (S) ( English ) In: 2016 Census QuickStats . June 27, 2017. Retrieved November 26, 2013.

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