Transocean Winner

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Transocean Winner
Model of the Treasure Saga
Model of the Treasure Saga
Ship data
flag Marshall IslandsMarshall Islands Marshall Islands
other ship names

Treasure Saga

Callsign V7DO4
home port Majuro
Shipping company Transocean, Houston
Shipyard Götaverken , Arendal
Ship dimensions and crew
92.80 m ( Lüa )
width 77.00 m
Side height 41.00 m
Draft Max. 7.22 m
measurement 17,580 GT / 5,274 NRZ
crew 100
Transport capacities
Classifications Det Norske Veritas
IMO no. 8756320

The Transocean Winner is a drilling platform built in Sweden in 1983 that was stranded on August 8, 2016 during a sea tow on the Isle of Lewis after the towline broke.


The semi-submersible drilling rig was built in 1982/83 under the name Treasure Saga at the Götaverken shipyard in Arendal for the Norwegian shipping company Wilh. Wilhelmsen built. It was the first unit of the GVA 4000 type developed by Götaverken and presented in 1980 . The island, which cost around 839 million Norwegian kroner, was delivered to its client on January 28, 1983. Wilhelmsen transferred the Treasure Saga on June 1, 1989 to their daughter Wilrig A / S (Wilh. Wilhelmsen) in Oslo. In 1994 Wilrig A / S passed the island on to Transocean A / S in Oslo. Transocean A / S was taken over by the US oil drilling company Sonat Offshore in 1996 and continued to operate under the new name Transocean Offshore. The Treasure Saga drilling rig, which was also transferred when the company changed , was renamed Transocean Winner in 1998 . In 1999, Transocean Offshore and Sedco Forex merged to become Transocean Sedco Forex, which was renamed Transocean in 2001 . In 2004 the rig was brought under the Majuro flag . From October 20, 2014 to 2016, the island was used by the Norwegian oil company Marathon Oil at the Alvheim field in Bøyla for a daily charter rate of US $ 461,000.

Stranded in 2016

The tug Alp Forward

After the end of her last North Sea assignment for Marathon Oil, the Transocean Winner was on her way to Malta in August 2016 in tow with the Dutch anchor-handling tug Alp Forward . During the passage through the Outer Hebrides , the tug formation got into bad weather and on the morning of August 7th the tug called for help. The emergency tug Herakles stationed in Kirkwall ran out shortly after the call for help to help Alp Forward . At around 4:15 a.m. on August 8, the towing connection between Alp Forward and the Transocean Winner broke and at around 7:30 a.m. the drilling platform ran aground on the west coast of Lewis Island. The Heracles did not arrive before Lewis until shortly after noon the following day. The Union Bear tug also came to the scene of the accident.

A team from Smit Salvage carried out an inspection of the stranded Transocean Winner on August 1st . According to previous statements, the island is stable, but diesel oil tanks were damaged by the soil damage suffered and water ingress was detected. There are around 280 tons of diesel oil on the island, which are distributed over several tanks. On the night of August 22nd, the platform was dislodged from the stranding site during high tide and began to be towed to Broad Bay to carry out further measures. On October 6th, the damaged island was loaded onto the semi-submersible ship Hawk and on October 14th the transport to the scheduled demolition in Turkey began.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (TREASURE SAGA) THE FIRST GVA 4000 DELIVERED , In: Naval Architect , March 1983, p. 57ff.
  2. Det norske to use 'Transocean Winner' on Alvheim, Bøyla , In: Offshore Energy Today (English)
  3. a b Transocean Winner Tanks Breached, Weather Causes Problems for Salvors , In: gCaptain , August 10, 2016 (English)
  4. Mike Schuler: Tugs Pull Grounded Transocean Drilling Rig from Rocks in Scotland , In: gCaptain , August 22, 2016 (English)
  5. Mike Schuler: Transocean Winner Loaded Onto Heavy Lift Ship in Scotland , In: gCaptain , October 7, 2016 (English)
  6. Mike Schuler: More Than Two Months After its Grounding, Transocean Winner Departs Scotland Aboard Heavy Lift Ship , In: gCaptain , October 14, 2016 (English)