Traugott Giesen

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Traugott Giesen (born May 6, 1940 in Bonn ) is a German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman and Christian author.


Traugott Giesen grew up as the son of the church assembly pastor Heinrich Giesen from 1950 on in Fulda . After completing his studies, he worked as a pastor in Berlin-Neukölln for ten years . From 1976 until his retirement in 2005 he was pastor of St. Severin in Keitum on Sylt . Because of his sermons, his services were always well attended and especially popular with vacationers.

Traugott Giesen is a book author and also writes newspaper columns. He is married, father and grandfather and lives with his wife in Keitum.

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Individual evidence

  1. "God's Entertainer" is retiring. In: Hamburger Abendblatt , May 6, 2005.