Trelawny Parish

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Capital Falmouth
county Cornwall
Big cities Clark's Town , Duncans , Wakefield , Wait-a-Bit, Albert Town
surface 874  km²
population 75,799 (2009)
Population density 86.7 / km²
economy Agriculture, industry
The Parish Trelawny in Jamaica

Trelawny is a district ( Parish ) in the northwest of Jamaica . The capital of Trelawny is Falmouth .


Trelawny originated in 1770 from parts of the neighboring counties of Saint James and Saint Ann that were too far away from the administrative centers there. It was named after the then Governor of Jamaica, Sir William Trelawny. The first inland capital was Martha Brae.

Trelawny had more sugar plantations than any other county. Today's capital Falmouth was able to develop into a flourishing port city and a social center through exports. Trelawny was home to a large group of Cimarrones ( called Maroons ). In 1739 they gained freedom and their own land through a treaty with the English , which stopped the construction of the plantations. After a 1795 uprising, 600 Cimarrones were brought to Nova Scotia in Canada and later to Sierra Leone in Africa.


Trelawny is the fifth largest county in Jamaica. It consists largely of flat land with large plains such as the Queen of Spain's Valley and Windsor . The highest point is Mount Ayr , which is around 1000 meters high . The south of Trelawny is sparsely populated and a natural refuge for plants and animals. Almost all of the 27 bird species endemic to Jamaica can be found here. The Great Knight's Butterfly , the largest butterfly in the western hemisphere, is also at home here. Most of the district has the typical characteristics of a limestone subsoil. There are 48 larger caves, many of them with phosphate deposits and Taíno cave paintings. The largest rivers are Martha Brae, Rio Bueno, Cane, and Quashie.


Rum and sugar are Trelawny's main products, but other fruits such as bananas and strawberries are also grown. In addition to agriculture, fishing and tourism also play an important role.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Statistical Institute of Jamaica: Demographic Statistics - Population by Parish 2009 ( Memento of the original dated November 13, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved November 15, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /