Pomace brandy

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Distilling kettle

Tresterbrand is a spirit drink , consisting of fermented grape marc (the residues of the wine mash . E.g., stems, shells, nuts) distilled is.


The production of pomace brandy is based on the production of wine on the one hand and the art of distillation on the other.

While winemaking is much older, it is believed that the art of distillation was discovered in the Persian region . Reports about the first simple distillation devices come from e.g. B. from the year 400 AD ( Zosimos of Panopolis ). The art of distillation for medical purposes has spread quickly, especially in the Arab world .

Around the 11th century, with the beginning of the Crusades , scholars brought this new technique to Italy, where it was particularly popularized by the Jesuits . The first documents describing the distillation of wine also date from the same period. Grappa is mentioned for the first time in 1451 : A Piedmontese notary left his descendants a. a. a cellar with a distillation plant and larger quantities of "aquavit" or "grape".

In the Middle Ages, the pomace schnapps itself was considered a poor man's drink, which is certainly also due to the non-optimized distillation techniques: Direct firing meant that the pomace could burn.

The bad reputation of pomace brandies is probably also the reason why the pomace schnapps was not mentioned in the standard work of distillation "Liber de arte distillandi" by Hieronymus Brunschwig , written in 1507 . The first regulations for the production of pomace distillates only date back to 1636, when they were still disparagingly referred to as "raw materials with an alcohol base".

Finally, around 1800, indirect firing distillation was invented; H. It was only from this point in time that gentle distillation with the aid of a water bath was possible, which is a basic requirement for modern pomace brandies.

Through further technical optimization of the distillation process, pomace brandies slowly gained recognition from global gourmets from the middle of the 20th century and gained worldwide fame and dissemination. Grappa became a fashion spirit in Germany, for example.


Pomace brandies are known under various other names depending on the region of origin, in particular:

Similar, but based on different ingredients, are grape brandies such as the pisco .

The press residues from sweet wines are particularly suitable for production, as they have a high unfermented sugar content.

See also

  • Fruit pomace brandy, brandy made from the marc of other types of fruit than grapes

Web links

Wiktionary: Pomace brandy  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations