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Trimma kudoi

Trimma kudoi

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Gobies (Gobiiformes)
Family : Gobies (Gobiidae)
Genre : Trimma
Scientific name
Jordan & Seale, 1906

Trimma is a genus of very small fish from the family of goby (Gobiidae). The almost 100 species of this genus live hidden in the coral reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific .


Trimma species are 1.6 to 4 cm long, have a moderately elongated body and are often very brightly colored. One of the diagnostic features of the genus include the absence of pores of the sensory system on the head, large gill slits that up with or even before the Präoperculum rich and the absence of spines on the outer side of the gill rakers of the first gill arch. The dorsal and anal fins are supported by fewer than twelve fin rays. The length of the fifth pelvic fin is over 40% of the length of the fourth fin; it can also be just as long.


Trimma caesiura (male)
Trimma cana
Trimma caudomaculatum (female)
Trimma gigantum (female)
Trimma grammistes (female)
Trimma habrum (male)
Trimma lantana (male)
Trimma macrophthalmum
Trimma mendelssohni
Trimma nasa (female)
Trimma naudei (male)
Trimma tevegae (male)
Trimma yanagitai


Web links

Commons : Trimma  - collection of images, videos and audio files