UFOs, lies and the cold war

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Original title UFOs, lies and the cold war
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2005
length 52 minutes
Director Dirk Pohlmann
script Dirk Pohlmann
production Ilona Grundmann film production
camera Moritz Waechter
cut Stefan Heintzenberg

UFOs, Lies and the Cold War is a German documentary film by Dirk Pohlmann from 2005 . It deals with the phenomenon of mass UFO sightings during the Cold War and the reasons why UFOs are not an issue today for the media in Germany that are considered serious. The first broadcast was on June 8, 2005 on arte .


The public treatment of the topic, the role of the media , secret services, the military and the assumed fear of mass panic are highlighted in the film. The film lets contemporary witnesses and experts, including military cameramen who were supposed to film UFOs, air traffic controllers, pilots, police officers, members of secret services and historians who deal with the topic, have their say.

The first UFOs are said to have been sighted in 1947 over the Oak Ridge atomic laboratory , where the material for the atomic bombs was obtained, and over various missile test sites. The US Army, US Navy and US Air Force initially suspected each other of spying on one another with the help of the unknown objects. The Soviet Union was later suspected of being the originator, as " ghost rockets " had been reported for months in Sweden, Finland and Norway in 1946 .

Pohlmann questions the phenomenon of 3400 UFO sightings by pilots as well as the UFO hunt in Belgium in 1989. He follows the trail of documents left by these events and shows how official bodies have used this information for their purposes in the context of “information management”.


In a detailed article on Telepolis ( Heise ) , Wolf-Dieter Roth recapitulates the content of the film and comes to the following conclusion:

“Dirk Pohlmann's film does not deal with the tiresome question of whether there are UFOs or what they are. Rather, he examines the exciting question of how and for what purposes UFO paranoia was consciously controlled and used as a means of psychological warfare in the Cold War . "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Production data for the film on crew-united.com. In: crew united. Retrieved August 27, 2013 .
  2. UFOs, Lies and the Cold War. Ilona Grundmann Filmproduction, accessed on October 27, 2018 .
  3. ^ A b Wolf-Dieter Roth: UFOs, Lies and the Cold War. In: Heise online. June 6, 2005, accessed October 20, 2018 .