Ulla Mitzdorf

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Ulla Mitzdorf (born March 5, 1944 in Mittenwald ; † July 19, 2013 ) was a German scientist who has contributed to fields as diverse as physics , chemistry , psychology , physiology , medicine and gender research .


Mitzdorf received his doctorate in theoretical chemistry from the Technical University of Munich in 1974 and was then a scholarship holder at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry . 1983 habilitation she specialized in physiology , 1984 in Medical Psychology and Neurobiology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich .

From 1988 to 2009 she held the Fiebiger Professorship (C3) for Medical Psychology at the University of Munich . At the same time, she was university women's representative and spokesperson for the state conference of women's and equal opportunities officers at Bavarian universities from 2000 to 2006.

Ulla Mitzdorf died on July 19, 2013 after a short, serious illness at the age of 69.



  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar Online

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice in the Süddeutsche Zeitung