Ulrich Gaier

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Ulrich Gaier (born June 18, 1935 in Stuttgart ) is a German literary and cultural scientist .


Ulrich Gaier studied German , English and Romance languages in Tübingen and Paris. The doctorate took place in 1962 with the dissertation “The legal calculation. Holderlin's Poetry ". He was lecturer in German at University College in Swansea / Wales; it followed from 1963 a teaching position as an assistant professor and from 1966 to 1967 as an associate professor at the University of California, Davis . In 1966 he received his habilitation in Tübingen with a thesis on Sebastian Brant's ship of fools . From 1968 to 2000 he was a full professor for German literature and general literary studies at the University of Konstanz . He retired in October 2000. Visiting professorships took him to Rice University in Houston / Texas as well as to Pisa, Zurich, Lawrence / Kansas, Madison / Wisconsin and Gainesville / Florida.

Ulrich Gaier is Professor hc and Dr. hc from the University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași in Romania. He was President of the Hölderlin Society from 2006 to 2010 and is now an honorary member, as well as in the Herder Society and the Goethe Society of North America. The state of Baden-Württemberg awarded him the Staufer Medal in 2010 for the work he had developed “Schwabenspiegel. Literature from the Neckar to Lake Constance 1000–1950. "

Ulrich Gaier is married and lives in Constance.

Fonts (selection)

  • The legal calculation: Hölderlin's poetry theory. 1962.
  • Studies on Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools. 1966.
  • Satire. Studies on Neidhart, Wittenwiler, Brant and on satirical writing. 1967.
  • Crooked rule. Novalis' "construction theory of the creative spirit" and its tradition. 1970.
  • Johann Gottfried Herder: Early writings 1764–1772. 1985 (ed. And comm.).
  • System of action. A reconstructive action science. 1986.
  • Herder's philosophy of language and critique of knowledge. 1988.
  • Goethe's Faust seals. A comment. Vol. 1: Urfaust. 1989.
  • Johann Gottfried Herder: folk songs, transmissions, poems. 1990 (ed. And comm.).
  • Holderlin. An introduction. 1993.
  • Hölderlin Texturen (among others ed.): Hölderlin-Gesellschaft, Tübingen 1995 ff. (Text and image documentation on Hölderlin's life)
  • Annette von Droste-Hülshoff and her literary world on Lake Constance. (Marbacher Magazin 66) 1993.
  • Magic: Goethe's analysis of modern forms of behavior in 'Faust'. (Konstanz University Speeches 203) 1999.
  • Faust's modernity. Essays. 2000.
  • "Sung under the Alps". Holderlin as private tutor in Hauptwil. 2008.
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust seals. 2010 (ed. And comm.).
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust. A tragedy. First part. Earlier version (“Urfaust”). (Study edition) 2011 (Ed. And Comm.).
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust. Second part. (Study edition) 2011 (Ed. And Comm.).
  • Readings of Goethe's Faust. 2012.
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Fist. The Tragedy Part One. Explanations and documents. 2014.
  • Holderlin Studies. (Ed. by Sabine Doering and Valérie Lawitschka) 2014.
  • Why does man need poetry? Anthropology and poetics from Plato to Musil. 2017.
  • Challenge of literary studies: Droste-Hülshoff's 'Judenbuche'. (with Sabine Groß) 2018.
  • Ballad and romance. Poetics and History. 2019.
  • The political Mörike and his radical friends. (with Monika Küble) 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/pressemitteilung/pid/staufermedaille-fuer-prof-dr-ulrich-gaier-und-prof-dr-hans-poernbacher/