Ulrico Hess

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Ulrico Hess (born February 25, 1939 in Losone ; † March 6, 2006 in Zurich ; authorized to reside in Wald ZH and Losone) was a Swiss professional officer ( corps commander ).

After training as an electrical draftsman and further training at the evening technical center, he worked for an electronics company in the canton of Ticino . In 1972 Ulrico Hess joined the infantry instruction corps. From 1986 to 1988 he was the commandant of the grenade school in Isone .

From 1987 to 1989 commanded the city Hess Zurich Infantry Regiment 27 from 1989 to 1997, the Field Division 6 and from 1998 until the dissolution in 2003 as a Lieutenant General , the Field Army Corps 4 .

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