Ulrike Mortal

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Ulrike Sterblich (* 1970 in Berlin as Ulrike Fiebrandt ) is a German political scientist, writer and presenter.


After graduating from high school in 1990 at the St. Marien Catholic School in Berlin, Mortal studied political science in Berlin and Amsterdam . In her diploma thesis she dealt with ecological ethics . She wrote the foreword to the position paper of the Association of German Zoo Directors on ethical and legal issues relating to the regulation of animal populations in the zoo and published an article on the topic of "The dignity of the zoo animal " in the anthology Die Würde des Tieres (edited by Martin Liechti, published by Harald Fischer Publishing company).

Ulrike Sterblich writes articles, columns and short radio plays. In the Bayern 2 broadcast So to speak - comments on the German language , she writes and speaks for the regular column "Zwischenpeicher". Mortal is an “unofficial employee” of the Central Intelligence Agency .


Mortal published the comic Supatopcheckerbunny in the magazine Titanic from 2003 to 2004 with the illustrator Tex Rubinowitz , which originated in the Internet forum " Polite Paparazzi ". The title character, who “satirize the female image of the cuddly, naive bunny” and the mortal and her co-author Stese Wagner tried to give “something irritating”, is flanked by the even more naive, materialistic “auxiliary checkerbunny”. Since January 2004, Sterblich and Wagner have been moderating the Berlin Bunny Lectures series of events . 2007 looked mortal in the ORF telecast Welcome Austria with Dirk Stermann and Christoph Grissemann regularly as a foreign reporter Supatopcheckerbunny with the "very complicated with a sweet and naive voice said simple things" ( The press ). She also had a Supatopcheckerbunny clip for several years in the radio show Show Royale on Radio Eins ( RBB ).


Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Halbe Stadt, which no longer exists, 2012, p. 13.
  2. Festschrift for the 50th anniversary of the Catholic School St. Marien - Elementary School and Oberschule, Berlin 1998, p. 215.
  3. a b c DiePresse.com: Mortal and Wagner: Berlin bunnies in Vienna. In: diepresse.com. November 17, 2008, archived from the original on February 7, 2016 .;

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