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Coat of arms of the (crab) of Ulshagen

Ulshagen is the name of an extinct Mecklenburg noble family .


The original homeland is believed to be in Denmark . The family is said to have used the name Krabe or Krabbe in the past, later it was only called Stargard after its Ulshagen estate in the office . A chronicle mentions a Busso Krabe from Ulshagen in 1245 . Relatives also settled in Pomerania.

Danish crab coat of arms (af Østergård)

Indeed, there was a noble family Krab in Denmark with a similar coat of arms. The progenitor of the North Jutland noble family Krabbe til Østergård was Niels Mikkelsen, who first documented it in 1336. A Mikkel Krabbe was the father of Nils Krabbe, who married Kirsten Munk, a daughter of the knight Stig Munk, in 1408 . In Denmark this noble family Krabbe died out in 1878, but branches persist in Great Britain and Argentina . A scion was naturalized as Krabbe af Krageholm in Sweden in 1664 , but died there with the same Jörgen in 1678 in the baron class conferred on him in 1676 .

There is a beautiful epitaph from 1558 in Åsted Kirke in Viborg Amt , North Jutland. It commemorates the Danish Imperial Councilor Iver Krabbe til Østergård, Krabbesholm og Skovsgård, and his wife Magdalene Banner. An equally beautiful epitaph is the Danish Reichsmarschall Tyge Mogensen Krabbe af Østergaard (1474–1541) and his wife Anne Nielsdotter Rosenkrantz , who died in Vegholm, Sweden .

coat of arms

A black bar in red, on the helmet between two ox horns in red and blue a green plume.

Possibly the bar in the coat of arms of the (crab) von Ulshagen was actually just as silver on a red background as in the coat of arms of the Danish crab, because “Silver, for example, oxidizes easily and then has a gray shade, yes even a bluish or blackish shade - so the opposite of what was originally wanted "and" since the old painters used to underline gold with red and silver with blue, these colors emerged when the metals were oxidized and produced inaccuracies in the representation of the coat of arms. "


  • Johann Christian von Hellbach , Adelslexicon (1826), p. 624
  • Hans Heinrich Klüver, description of the Duchy of Mecklenburg and the associated countries and places. Volume 1, Thomas von Wierings Erben, Hamburg 1737, p. 656
  • Matthias Joanne Beehr, Rerum Mecleburgicarum libri octo (1741) p. 1588

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German nobility lexicon . Volume 9, Friedrich Voigt Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1870, p. 336.
  2. The Store Danske: Krabbe (accessed October 17, 2015)
  3. Gustaf Elgenstierna , The introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor. 1925-36: Krabbe af Krageholm nr 21 (accessed October 17, 2015)
  4. Åsted kirke, Viborg Office. Gravsten mm Slægtstavler for Magdalene Banner
  5. ^ Epitaph Reichsmarschall Tyge Mogensen Krabbe af Østergaard (1474–1541) and his wife Anne Nielsdotter Rosenkrantz
  6. Klüver, p. 656
  7. Georg Scheibelreiter , Heraldry . Oldenbourg, Vienna / Munich 2006. 2nd edition. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2013, p. 34
  8. ^ Definition of tincture in: Joseph Kürschner (ed.): Pierers Konversations-Lexikon . With universal language lexicon according to Prof. Joseph Kürschner's system. Seventh edition. Stuttgart: Union. German publishing company, 1890