Universal White Brotherhood

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The Universal White Brotherhood is a syncretic religious community. The Universal White Brotherhood (UWB) transmits the teaching of its Bulgarian founder Petar Danow . In France, where it has the largest number of members, it is called Fraternité Blanche Universelle (FBU) after Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov . The international center of the community is located in Fréjus on the Côte d'Azur .

The Universal White Brotherhood should not be confused with the “ White Brotherhood ” of Maria Devi Khristos in Ukraine .


According to Melton's 1989 Encyclopedia of American Religions , the Universal White Brotherhood had 4,350 members in France and 1,350 members in Switzerland in 1988 . Today the fellowship is said to be spread in at least 22 countries. The Swiss center is located in Monts-de-Corsier , near Lake Geneva. In France there is a large center in Sèvres near Paris.


The Universal White Brotherhood was founded on April 6, 1900 in Varna by Petar Danow . In 1937 he commissioned his pupil Omraam Mikael Ajwanow to spread the teaching of the brotherhood in France. He taught there until his death in 1986. There is no successor. The individual groups and centers are headed by elected presidents. The teaching itself continues to be taught through the books, audio and video lectures.


According to the brotherhood, the teaching refers to the Judeo - Christian tradition and is based on the Bible . The doctrine shows similarities with that of the Rosicrucians and the anthroposophists . The sun is very important. According to Aivanhov, she is an ideal of perfection, a representative of Christ and a symbol of the Universal Religion. The sun gives an idea of ​​God's light, love, life-giving power and power. One can best approach the divine world through the sun (or through “work” with the sun and light). Teaching also includes the idea of reincarnation and karma in the western, theosophical form.

The Universal White Brotherhood sees itself in a tradition of the so-called White Lodge of great spiritual masters, to which it counts, for example, Krishna , Buddha , Zarathustra , Orpheus , Pythagoras , Thoth , Hermes Trismegistos , Moses and Jesus Christ , a mixture of high-ranking sages and masters who, according to the Brotherhood, represented an "elite" of humanity. This White Lodge had lived in secrecy in the West for almost 2000 years. In Bulgaria she represented Peter Deunov, the founder of the brotherhood. Aivanhov is also a great master in this White Lodge .


Surya yoga (yoga of the sun) is practiced with meditations at sunrise. Religious practices also include choral singing and listening to Aivanhov's lectures. On Sundays the brotherhood dances Paneurhythmy . The "Yoga of Nutrition" recommends a vegetarian diet, because the meat damages the mental balance and the spiritual development. Fasting for 24 hours once a week is recommended. In the centers of the community, meals are taken in silence, with members chewing well and eating consciously.

The brotherhood promotes the common life of the members in a large family in contrast to the small family, which is not rejected, but according to the teaching only lasts for one incarnation. Spouses' love should be spiritually oriented, rather than just serving pure pleasure. The community has a cautious attitude towards evidence-based medicine and its medicines. The principle of love and working with light are effective medicine. Acupuncture , cranio-sacral therapy , homeopathy or kinesiology are also recommended .


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