Unstrutaue Mühlhausen – Bad Langensalza
The Unstrutaue Mühlhausen-Bad Langensalze is a lowland landscape along the Unstrut between Mühlhausen and Bad Langensalza in Thuringia ( Germany ).
Geographical location
The Unstrutaue, an average of two kilometers wide, stretches between Ammern north of Mühlhausen to Nägelstedt east of Bad Langensalza in the north-western Thuringian Basin . The altitude ranges from about 220 m at the entrance of the Unstrut near Ammern to about 170 m when the Unstrut breaks through the Acherhügelland near Großvargula , where the Gera-Unstrut lowland joins further east .
Natural allocation
The Unstrutaue is assigned as follows according to the natural spatial structure of the Thuringian State Institute for Environment and Geology (TLUG):
- 6 meadows and lowlands
- 6.4 Unstrutaue Mühlhausen-Bad Langensalza .
The completely forest-free Unstrutaue is mainly used agriculturally due to its good soil, partly also as pasture land. Significant parts of the landscape are the Großengotternsche Ried , the Altengotternsche Ried and the Stadtried near Bad Langensalza. Larger tributaries to the Unstrut within the floodplain are the Luhne (right), Notter (left), Seebach (right), Welsbach (left), Salza (right) and Tonna (right).
The entire length of the floodplain is affected by the federal highway 247 and the Gotha – Leinefelde and Bad Langensalza – Kühnhausen railway lines . The Unstrut cycle path and the Unstrut hiking path also run along the river.
Individual evidence
^ Walter Hiekel, Frank Fritzlar, Andreas Nöllert and Werner Westhus: The natural spaces of Thuringia . Ed .: Thuringian State Institute for Environment and Geology (TLUG), Thuringian Ministry for Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Environment . 2004, ISSN 0863-2448 . → Natural area map of Thuringia (TLUG) - PDF; 260 kB → Maps by district (TLUG)
Web links
Coordinates: 51 ° 9 ′ 42 ″ N , 10 ° 34 ′ 28 ″ E