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Domain : Bacteria (bacteria)
Department : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Order : Bacillales
Family : Planococcaceae
Genre : Ureibacillus
Scientific name
Fortina et al. 2001

Ureibacillus is a genus of bacteria . The type species is Ureibacillus thermosphaericus .


The cells of Ureibacillus are rod-shaped. The Gram test turns out negative, even though they belong to the Firmicutes (in the case of the Firmicutes, the test is positive for most species). Ureibacillus forms endospores . The species are motile . On average, the cells show sizes from 0.5-0.7 µm in diameter with a length of 1.0-6.0 µm. The species Ureibacillus thermosphaericus has pleomorphic cells. They change their appearance as they grow. They are either cocci , short rods or extremely long rods.

Metabolism and growth

All species of Ureibacillus are heterotrophic , they do not photosynthesize . Metabolism is based on breathing . The genus is strictly aerobic , i. i.e., dependent on oxygen.


Phylogenetic system of the genus Ureibacillus

The genus Ureibacillus is one of the Firmicutes . The genus is based on the species Bacillus thermosphaericus first described , which is now listed as Ureibacillus thermosphaericus . The following species are known (December 2018):


Most species are thermophilic ; that is, they prefer higher temperatures for growth. Ureibacillus thermosphaericus shows growth between 33 and 64 ° C, Ureibacillus terrenus at temperatures of 42-65 ° C. The species Ureibacillus composti was found in compost in Ichon, Korea . Ureibacillus terrenus was found in the soil.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ MG Fortina, R. Pukall, P. Schumann, D. Mora, C. Parini, PL Manachini and E. Stackebrandt: Ureibacillus gen. Nov., A new genus to accommodate Bacillus thermosphaericus (Andersson et al. 1995), emendation of Ureibacillus thermosphaericus and description of Ureibacillus terrenus sp. nov. In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 (2), March 2001
  2. Systematics according to JP Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) (as of December 15, 2018)


  • Paul Vos, George Garrity, Dorothy Jones, Noel R. Krieg, Wolfgang Ludwig, Fred A. Rainey, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, William B. Whitman: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Volume 3: The Firmicutes . Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-95041-9 .