Urho Karhumäki

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Urho Johannes Karhumäki (born June 7, 1891 in Multia , † February 26, 1947 in Vihti ) was a Finnish writer and Olympian .


Urho Karhumäki was born in 1891 to a farming family. When he was 13, the family moved to Saarijärvi , where he gradually read all the books in the public library, including works by Aleksis Kivi , Johannes Linnankoski and his later favorite author Juhani Aho . After completing his teacher training in Jyväskylä in 1913 , he worked at the elementary schools in Alavus, Padasjoki and, from 1915, finally in Vihti. There he married Elin Ida Sipilä (* 1893 in Hausjärvi ) in 1916 and had four children with her: Kaari Eliina (* 1917 in Vihti), Kauko Juhani (* 1919 in Vihti), Eero Taavi (* 1923 in Helsinki) and Tuomas Urho ( * 1927 in Vihti). In 1923 the family bought a farm they named Sahapelto . It was the country life that influenced his later works significantly.

In 1924 his first work, Rantasuon sankari , was published, which he wrote within ten days of his recovery from pneumonia . Further works, mostly novels and children's books, but also some plays and short stories, followed. In 1936 the novel Avoveteen ( Eng . In free water ) was awarded the gold medal in the discipline of Epic Works at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin . It is about Yrjö Niemelä, a young man who switches from one job to the next until he has found true love and won an international runner competition as a talented athlete. The book was translated into several languages ​​and filmed like two other works. Yli rajan , a love story, won an award at the Venice International Film Festival .

In 1938 Kohumäki was appointed director of the Nuoren Voiman Liitto Literary Association , which mostly published books by budding writers. The Winter War changed the content of his stories somewhat. This is how Miesten Matkassa describes the war from the point of view of his friend Eemeli Lamminaho.

Karhumäki also wrote under several pseudonyms : Jussi Haukka, Nalle and Tavi Ylämaa.

Works (selection)

  • Rantasuon sankari , 1923 ( filmed in 1942 under the title Rantasuon raatajat by Orvo Saarikivi with Ansa Ikonen and Eino Kaipainen )
  • Kilpakihlat , 1927
  • Syöttöpaikassa , 1929
  • Kolkkakala ja muita kalapaloja , 1929
  • Muotilääkäri , 1939
  • Kymi nousee , 1930
  • Taistelun takaa , 1930
  • Ajasta vaari , 1931
  • Herpmanin pojat , 1931
  • Kallista maata , 1931
  • Kerhoista ja kotoa , 1931
  • Mylly pyörii , 1931
  • Nurkkalan nuorten säästökilpailu , 1931
  • Juoksijan rata , 1932
  • Korpiherra , 1932
  • Halki vuoren , 1933
  • Hiihtäjän latu , 1933
  • Möttösen äijän menninkäiset , 1934
  • Ukkonen uhkaa , 1934
  • Elämännälkä , 1935
  • Tuli ja leimaus , 1935
  • Vorttuuna ja Tiapolo , 1935
  • Sinä saavut , 1935 (letter novel with Elsa Heporauta )
  • Avoveteen , 1936 (filmed in 1939 by Orvo Saarikivi with Kullervo Kalske and Irma Seikkula )
  • Elämän kouluun , 1936
  • Elotalkoot ynnä muita pakinoita , 1937
  • AIV-rehua , 1938
  • Testamentti , 1938
  • Yli rajan , 1938 (filmed in 1943 by Wilho Ilmari with Irma Seikkula and Joel Rinne )
  • Olympiakuumetta , 1939
  • Työ Suomen Hyväks , 1939
  • Tunturille , 1940
  • Nuorison raittiustieto , 1940
  • Miesten matkassa , 1941
  • Kun käki kuukahti , 1942
  • Voittajana maaliin , 1942
  • Rantasuon raivaajat , 1943
  • Nurkkalan nuorten kirikilpailu , 1943
  • Kello soi , 1944
  • Päivärannan kesä , 1944
  • Terve sielu terveessä ruumiissa , 1944
  • Viulu ja posetiivi , 1944
  • Nuori kansalainen , 1945
  • Jaakopin tikapuut , 1945
  • Kylä järven rannalla , 1945
  • Pääsiäisestä helluntaihin , 1945
  • Rakkaus rakentaa , 1946
  • Möttösen äijän menninkäiset , 1947
  • Nallen pakinoita , 1947
  • Yrjö juoksija , 1947 (abridged version of the novels Avoveteen and Testamentti )
  • Valitut teokset , 1960


  • Toivo Pekkanen, Reino Rauanheimo (Ed.): Uuno Kailaasta Aila Meriluotoon . 1947, p. 46-52 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. imdb.com: Awards