Urs Kramer

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Urs Kramer (born January 31, 1971 in Stuttgart ) is a German lawyer and holder of the professorship for public law at the University of Passau .

Scientific career

Kramer studied from 1991 to 1996 at the University of Marburg law and put 1996 First State Examination from. In 1999 the second state examination followed after the legal clerkship .

From 1999 Urs Kramer was initially a research assistant at the University of Marburg, then until 2008 research assistant to Werner Frotscher and Sebastian Müller-Franken . During this time he did his PhD with a thesis on railway infrastructure law. His dissertation was awarded the 2002 advancement award of the Darmstadt Legal Society.

In 2008 he became a representative of the teaching professorship for public law at the Institute for Legal Didactics at the University of Passau. He has held this professorship since October 2009. In 2010 he was awarded the University of Passau's Prize for Good Teaching for his work. In 2013 he also received the Ars legendi faculty award for excellent university teaching in law. He is the spokesman for the Institute for Legal Didactics and has been Vice Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Passau since April 2018.

Urs Kramer's academic work focuses on general and special administrative law , above all police and regulatory law as well as commercial administrative law, and in particular German and European railway law . Since 2000, he has published a large number of individual publications and essays and has given lectures at specialist conferences. In particular, questions of non-discriminatory network access to the railway infrastructure , the operating obligations of railway infrastructure companies and vehicle approval were examined by him. From 2006 to 2011 he was also a member of the network advisory board of DB Netz AG . He is also responsible for the railway law sections in the magazines " Bahn-Report " and "Rail Business".

The German-Russian exchange and legal comparison continues to be of particular concern to him . In this context he works as a lecturer in the German-language course “German Law” at the University of Passau at the Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk. He was also a contributor to the master’s degree in “German and European Commercial and Administrative Law” at the Free University of Berlin in Moscow.

In the area of ​​legal didactics, he is also present through numerous events and publications. Among other things, he is co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft (ZDRW).

In addition to his scientific work, Urs Kramer has also made a name for himself as the author of publications on the history of railways and has been involved in transport policy with Pro Bahn and the Verkehrsclub Deutschland .

Publications (selection)

Legal writings

  • The law of the railway infrastructure: from the state railway to commercial enterprises under private law (also Diss. Iur.), Boorberg, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 978-3-415-03034-3 .
  • Railway law: Systematic collection of laws and ordinances as well as legal acts of the European Community with explanations (loose-leaf collection), Nomos, Baden-Baden, ISBN 978-3-789-03536-4 (published together with Wolfgang Kunz).
  • The General Railway Act (commentary), in: Kunz / Kramer (ed.), Railway Law (loose-leaf collection), Nomos, Baden-Baden, as of October 2009.
  • The Federal Railways Administration Act (comment), in: Kunz / Kramer (ed.), Eisenbahnrecht (loose-leaf collection), Nomos, Baden-Baden, as of June 2015 (together with Hans-Jürgen Kühlwetter ).
  • State - economy - community. Festschrift for Werner Frotscher on his 70th birthday , Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-428-12565-4 (published together with Gilbert Gornig and Uwe Volkmann ).
  • Hessian police and regulatory law: systematic presentation of knowledge relevant to the exam , Kohlhammer, 2nd edition, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-555-01464-7 .
  • Economic constitutional and economic administrative law: A systematic introduction based on basic cases , Beck, 7th edition, Munich 2019, ISBN 978-3-406-71123-7 (in the previous editions together with Werner Frotscher ).
  • General administrative law and administrative procedural law: with state liability law , Beck, 3rd edition, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-406-69796-8 .

Railway historical publications

  • "Cölbe-Sarnau-Biedenkopf-Wallau-Laasphe-Erndtebrück" . Contribution to the collective work "Secondary and narrow-gauge railways in Germany once & now", GeraMond Verlag, Munich 1997, ISSN  0949-2143 .
  • Beet trains , Transpress Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 978-3-613-71149-5 .
  • Farewell to the railways: Freight routes 1994 to today , Transpress Verlag, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-613-71333-8 (together with Matthias Brodkorb).
  • Farewell to the railways: Freight routes 1980 to 1993 , Transpress Verlag, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-613-71346-8 (together with Matthias Brodkorb).

Individual evidence

  1. List of the award winners on the company's website (accessed November 14, 2016)
  2. Curriculum vitae on the website of the University of Passau (accessed on February 1, 2020)
  3. Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, Ars legendi Faculty Prize in Law (accessed on November 14, 2016)
  4. ^ Institute for Legal Didactics. January 30, 2020, accessed February 1, 2020 .
  5. ^ Faculty of Law. January 10, 2020, accessed February 1, 2020 .
  6. ↑ List of publications on the website of the University of Passau (accessed on February 1, 2020)
  7. ^ Transpress-Verlag, author information (accessed on November 14, 2016)

Web links