Ursula Rumin

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Ursula-Dora-Elisabeth Rumin-Kloss (born December 2, 1923 in Faulbrück (since 1945 Mościsko) , Reichenbach district , Lower Silesia province ; † June 15, 2017 in Cologne ) was a German journalist and author .


After completing compulsory school, Ursula Rumin completed a commercial training and ballet training in Breslau from 1937 to 1940 and then received an engagement as a dancer with the Hiller Ballet . After the expulsion of the German population from Silesia , she took up residence in Berlin and in 1949 did an internship at the Ullstein publishing house . From 1950 to 1952 she worked on individual assignments as a journalist and screenwriter, including for the film Frauenschicksale (1952) for DEFA of the GDR .

On September 25, 1952 she was arrested by agents of the Ministry for State Security of the USSR in the Soviet sector of Berlin. She was taken into custody, deported to the Soviet Union and sentenced to 15 years in a camp on December 4, 1952 by the Soviet Military Tribunal (SMT) on charges of espionage and conspiracy with the enemy under Article 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code . The forced labor detention was carried out in the Vorkuta Labor Camp . Rumin reported on this time in her memoirs Im Frauen-Gulag am Eismeer as well as in television and radio programs.

On January 21, 1954, due to an amnesty (beginning of de-Stalinization ), he was released early via Fürstenwalde / Spree to Berlin (West). In April 1954 she married Joseph Scholmer in Berlin , who had also been released from the Vorkuta labor camp. In 1955 they moved to his birthplace Kasbach am Rhein, in 1959 they divorced. From 1961 she received jobs as an editor at Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne . From 1969 to 1984 she worked as a journalist, author and editor for the television of Deutsche Welle in Cologne in the women and family department.

The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation rehabilitated her in 2001. From 2004 to 2006 she made two trips with film teams to Moscow , Brest-Litovsk and Vorkuta.



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Individual evidence

  1. a b Biographical data of Ursula Rumin on workuta.de, accessed on June 23, 2017