User experience design

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The subject areas of user experience design

User experience design (UXD, UED or XD) describes the process of designing a customer journey of a user in a service or product interaction , such as digital surfaces, and forms part of the phenomenon of user experience . This interaction with a product is determined by the interaction of user-friendliness , usability , visual design , interaction design , content strategy , user interfaces , typography created and functionality.

The design of an interaction, such as interface design , or the meaning of the design for the user, such as the recognition of a haptic scroll movement or a button, are combined with one another. These meanings for defined services and products can be recognized and recorded by the user. UX Design is therefore "the generic term for all management methodologies that are used to improve processes, structures and products that are used from the customer-centric perspective" - Gabler's Wirtschaftslexikon, 2020


User experience design is a conceptual design discipline and its origin lies in the design of systems that take the user's experience into account. The focus is on creating a connection between human users, machines and their environment.

With the proliferation of computers in the workplace in the early 1990s, the user experience became a positive insight for designers . Donald Norman , professor and researcher in the fields of design, usability and cognitive science, coined the term “user experience” and brought it to a wider audience.

"I invented the term because I thought human interface and usability were extremely good. I wanted to cover all aspects of the person's experience with the system including industrial design graphics, the interface, the physical interaction and the manual. Since then the term has spread widely, so much so that it is starting to gain its meaning. " - Donald Norman, 2007

Design scientist and practitioner Don Norman provides an access point for anyone who wants to create a reference to their business perspective through the user experience design community. Norman claims that when designers describe people as customers, consumers and users only, designers are allowing their ability to make good design.

Components of user experience design

Experience design

Experience Design (XD) is the practice of design of products, processes , services, events, festivals, omni -Journeys and environments with an emphasis on the quality of user experience and culturally relevant solutions. Experience design is not determined by a single design discipline - instead it requires a cross-disciplinary perspective that takes into account multiple aspects of the brand / business / environment / experience from product, packaging and retail environment to clothing and employee attitudes. Experience design seeks to develop the experience of a product, service or event along one or all of the following dimensions:

  • Duration (introduction, immersion, conclusion and continuation)
  • Intensity (reflex, habit, commitment)
  • Breadth (products, services, brands, nomenclatures, channels / environment / advertising and price)
  • Interaction (passive ↔ active ↔ interactive)
  • Triggers (all human senses, concepts and symbols)
  • Meaning (meaning, status, emotion, price and function)

Initial research

Initial research on the subject of the product and the competition is crucial for the user experience. User experience design refers to design approaches such as human-computer interaction and user-centered design. UX design also includes elements from similar disciplines such as interaction design , visual design, information architecture , user research and many more.


Main article: Personas

The second part of the research is to understand the end user and the purpose of the application being built. Although this may seem clear to the UX designer , the best results are achieved when the UX designer puts himself in the shoes of the user. So-called personas are used for this.

Personas are fictional people who have characteristics such as name, age group, occupation, hobbies, reasons for how and why they act, as well as clarifying the wishes and problems for creating a product. These abstractly generated results from research and experience are bundled and help to develop a user-friendly application.

Visual design

Main article: Visual communication

Visual design, also known as graphic design , user interface design , communication design , and visual communication , represents the aesthetics or look-and-feel of the front end of any user interface . The graphic arrangement of surface elements is often perceived as a visual design. The purpose of visual design is to use visual elements such as colors, images, and symbols to convey a message to the audience. The basics of Gestalt psychology and visual perception offer a cognitive perspective to create effective visual communication.

Information architecture

Main article: Information architecture

Information architecture is the art and science of structuring and organizing information in products and services to support ease of use and findability. It should be intuitive to use and adapt to the behavior of the target group.

In the context of information architecture, information is separated from both knowledge and data and is blurred in between. It is information about objects. The objects can range from websites to software applications to images and the like. a. pass. Metadata is an additional factor: terms used to describe and represent content objects such as documents, people, processes, and organizations. The structuring of pages and their navigation are also part of the information architecture.

Interaction design

Main article: Interaction design

Interaction design is an essential part of user experience design, which focuses on the interaction between users and products. The aim of interaction design is to develop a product that can be used intuitively and efficiently and that enables users to achieve their project through easy and intuitive handling.

The current strong emphasis on user-centric design and the strong focus on enhancing the user experience make interaction designers a critical factor in designing products that meet user expectations and meet the standards of the latest user interface patterns and components .

In recent years, the role of the interaction designer has shifted from simply concentrating on the specification of user interface components and their communication with engineers to a situation in which designers have more freedom to design contextual interfaces that meet the needs of the user become. For this reason, user experience design has developed into a multidisciplinary design branch that encompasses numerous technical aspects from motion graphic design to animation and programming .

user friendliness

Main article: Ease of use

Ease of use or usability is the extent to which a product can be used by certain users in order to achieve defined goals through effectiveness , efficiency and satisfaction in a certain context of use. The simpler, more efficient and more effective the operation of a product, the higher its usability .

Ease of use is inherent in all work equipment used by humans and is expanding to both digital and non-digital devices. It is therefore a subgroup of the user experience , which is not fully completed. The section of usability that overlaps with user experience design refers to the ability of humans to use a system or application. Good usability is essential to a positive user experience, but it doesn't alone guarantee it.

Ease of use is an objective quality feature of user experience design, which can be tested through usability tests . Nevertheless, the focus of usability is on the problems that arise in the interaction of a product and less on the subjective perception of the user.


Main article: Accessibility

The accessibility of a system describes its ease of understanding, use and accessibility. With regard to the design of the user experience , it can also be related to the general comprehensibility of the information and functions. It helps to shorten the learning curve associated with a system through self-explanatory handling. Accessibility can also be associated with the simplicity of an application for people with disabilities in many contexts and falls under user-friendliness.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Main article: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 cover a wide range of recommendations to make web content more accessible. This generally makes web content more usable for users. Making content more usable and accessible for all types of users improves the overall user experience of a user.

Websites that meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are also accessible to people with motor and sensory impairments. They can record the information provided and make the necessary entries.

Human-computer interaction

Main article: Human-computer interaction

The human-computer interaction is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them.

User experience design process

Research and preparation of the design

User models or personas are composite patterns based on behavioral patterns that were uncovered during research. Personas offer designers a precise way of thinking and communicating: How user groups behave, what environment they are in, how they think, what they want to achieve and why. Once created, personas help the designer to understand the user's goals in specific contexts, which is particularly useful during brainstorming and evaluating design concepts. Other types of models include workflow models, product models, and physical models.

Design process

Once the designer has identified the needs and goals of the user, he begins to sketch the wireframe . This level defines the high-level structure of the screen layout, the product flow, and the behavior and organization of the product. There are many types of materials that can be involved in this repetitive phase, from whiteboards to paper prototypes . While the wireframes establish an overall structure for product behavior, a parallel process focuses on the visual and commercial design. The visual design framework defines the experience values, the imagery and the visual style.

Once a solid and stable framework is in place, the wireframes are translated from sketched storyboards to full-resolution screens that display the user interface at a pixel level. At this point, it's critical for the programming team to work closely with the designer . Your input is necessary to create a finished design that can be built and will be built while staying true to the concept.

In the design process, in addition to the use phase of the product, other aspects such as the touchpoints of future users with the product are included in the design process during and after use.

Requirements for user experience design

UX designers perform a variety of different tasks and therefore use a range of methods to convey their design ideas and research results to stakeholders. As far as the physical work results are concerned, the requirements always depend on the customer or the organization involved in the design of a product. The four most important results are: a front page, an introduction to the feature , wireframes and the associated version history.

Depending on the type of project, the specification documents can also contain process models, cultural models, personas, user stories, scenarios and any previous user research. The documentation of design decisions in the form of annotated wireframes gives the developer the information he needs for the successful implementation of the project in code language .

Test phase

Main article: Usability test

Usability testing is the most common method used by designers to test their designs. The basic idea behind running a usability test is to check that the design of a product or brand is well received by the target users. When conducting usability tests, two things are tested: whether the design of a product or a brand is well received by the target users , and if it is not successful, how it can be improved. The designers run usability tests at every stage of the design process.

Usability tests are carried out by giving users various tasks to perform on prototypes. Any questions or problems that users encounter are gathered and these findings are used to make changes to the design and repeat the testing phase. The basic idea behind the tests is to “evaluate, not create” a product.

The test phase is therefore an essential factor in user experience design, as it has a direct impact on the end product and thus influences the association of users with the product. A positive user experience strengthens long-term customer loyalty. On the other hand, if the user experience is negative, customers lose their trust in the brand.

Exemplary tests

· User tests and usability tests

·       A / B tests

·       Information architecture

·       Sitemaps and user flows

· Additional wireframing as a result of test results and fine-tuning

UX design tools

User experience design can be implemented using various techniques and tools: user interface design , lean start-up method, co-creation , value proposition design, business model canvas, agile management , open space , minimum viable product , user story , use Case , Story Telling , Persona , Consumer Need, Design Thinking , User Experience Tools, How Why Laddering , Silent Clustering and Design Charrette .

By using these techniques and tools, a positioning "from the customer's point of view" should be created.

The importance of UX design for companies

User experience design also has great added value for the provider of products and services, even though these are developed and optimized for the customer at first glance. However, products and services are often optimized for other reasons, such as savings. In practice, therefore, new products and services are developed by "product management taking into account production conditions, finance, legal, sales, etc." Only when a product is launched or when it enters the market does it become clear whether the customers will accept a product or a service and this will be successful, which is why the company is under pressure to make decisions at an early stage.

"With a consistent user experience design, this decision-making pressure occurs much later and in a much weaker form in order to minimize financial risks, accelerate the development process and make decisions stay on the market longer".

UX designer

Visual designer

The visual designer (VisD) ensures that the visual representation of the design effectively communicates the content and provides indications of the expected behavior of the product. At the same time, the visual designer is responsible for conveying the brand ideals in the product and for creating a positive first impression; if the product includes hardware, this responsibility is shared with the industrial designer . Essentially, a visual designer should strive for maximum ease of use combined with maximum desirability. The visual designer does not necessarily have to have outstanding artistic skills, but rather convey the topic in a desirable way.

User Interface Designer

The design of the user interface (UI) is the process of producing interfaces in software or computer-based devices with a focus on its appearance or style. The goal of designers is to create designs that are easy and comfortable for users to use. UI design typically refers to graphical user interfaces , but also includes e.g. B. voice-controlled surfaces.

Interaction designer

Interaction designers (IxD) are responsible for understanding and specifying how the product should behave. This work overlaps in some important ways with the work of both visual and industrial designers. When designing physical products, interaction designers must work with industrial designers early on to specify the requirements for physical inputs and understand the behavioral implications of the underlying mechanisms. Throughout the project, the interaction designer and the visual designer cross paths. Visual designers lead discussions about the brand and the emotional aspects of the experience, while interaction designers communicate the priority of information flow and functionality in the interface.

User experience in video games

User experience design strategies are also used successfully in video games. The user experience in video games has improved enormously thanks to higher image and resolution quality. In the past, the original Nintendo game systems had very blurry and distorted graphics and did not provide users with clear graphic content on the screen. With the desire to provide players with a better user experience and user interface, a new 3D game design was developed. The addition of a 3D image system gave the designers new options for shaping the usability of the game and enabled players of 3D games to explore a virtual 3D map, such as in Mario Bros. The development of the new 3D Animation has initiated a number of further developments in graphic content and has resulted in a more realistic game illustration.

Consoles like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are the latest next generation consoles that display realistic graphics that provide gamers with an exciting user experience. Games that have high-level graphics include Grand Theft Auto V , NBA 2K19 , and Madden NFL 19 . In Madden and NBA , users can play with their favorite real-life athletes who look almost lifelike in-game. The graphics even show tattoos and certain distinct facial features of the real athletes. Additionally, improvements to the storytelling have resulted in video game user interfaces receiving a lot of positive feedback from fans and driving the games' success. According to Robin Burks, “playing a video game involves more interaction than watching a movie or a TV series. For example, scenes are paused while players are forced to choose who lives and who dies: and sometimes players have to make that decision quickly. This interaction means that the player becomes part of the story and not just an inactive participant ”. Quick decision-making in video game storylines affects the way players shape their own user experience. In certain circumstances, users could be faced with a life or death decision between two of their favorite characters. For players who put themselves emotionally into the game, the realistic graphics make the whole thing much more authentic and exciting.


User experience design can be used in many traditional processes and is currently used with lean management, design thinking and other agile methods in a few German companies. Currently, one often encounters a hybrid form of user experience design.

Further articles


  1. a b c d e f g h Dr. Klaus Kuenen: User Experience Design. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, accessed on July 18, 2020 .
  2. Schmidt, Aaron; Amanda Etches (2014). Useful, Usable, Desirable: Applying User Experience Design .
  3. ^ "Design in motion". IBM design . Retrieved 2015-06-18.
  4. environmental context "THE INTERACTION DESIGN FOUNDATION", by Karen Holtzblatt and Hugh R., Retrieved 2016-08-26
  5., "UX Design Defined", 16/08/2010
  6. Kujala, Sari; Roto, Virpi; Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Kaisa; Karapanos, Evangelos; Sinneläa, Arto (2011). "UX Curve: A method for unlimited long-term user experience". Interacting with Computers . 23 (5): 473-483. doi: 10.1016 / j.intcom.2011.06.005 .
  7. ^ Donald Norman: Peter in Conversation with Don Norman About UX & Innovation. In: adaptivepath2007. 2007, accessed in 2007 .
  8. Merholz, Peter (2007). "Peter in Conversation with Don Norman About UX & Innovation". Adaptive Path .
  9. Aarts, Emile HL; Stefano Marzano: The New Everyday: Views on Ambient Intelligence . Ed .: 010 Publishers. 2003, ISBN 978-90-6450-502-7 , pp. 46 .
  10. Steve Diller, Nathan Shedroff, Darrel Rhea: Making Meaning: How Successful Businesses Deliver Meaningful Customer Experiences . Ed .: New Riders Press. 2005, ISBN 0-321-37409-6 .
  11. ^ "Words Matter. Talk About People: Customers, Consumers, Users". Don Norman's jnd website. Retrieved 2008-10-03.
  12. Björn Rohlfs: Personas in User Experience Design. March 3, 2018, accessed on June 23, 2020 (German).
  13. ^ Research is critical to UX. Accessed June 17, 2020 (English).
  14. ^ "Visual Design Web Style Guide 3". Web Style Guide . Retrieved 2015-06-18.
  15. ^ Information Architecture Institute (2013), What is IA? (PDF)
  16. ^ Garrett, Jesse: The Elements of User Experience . 2011, ISBN 978-0-321-68368-7 , pp. 81 .
  17. ^ Teo Yu Siang: What is Interaction Design? Accessed June 17, 2020 (English).
  18. ^ Jacob Gube: What Is User Experience Design? Overview, Tools And Resources. October 5, 2010, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  19. ^ Jenny Gove: Principles of Mobile App Design: Introduction. March 2016, accessed on June 17, 2020 .
  20. Steve Psomas: The Five Competencies of User Experience Design. November 5, 2007, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  21. a b Jonas Löwgren: The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed. The Interaction Design Foundation, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  22. International standards for HCI and usability. UsabilityNet, accessed on June 17, 2020 (English).
  23. ^ Aaron Marcus: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse . Ed .: Springer. 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-20886-2 , pp. 340 ( ).
  24. Kerry Butters: The Fundamentals of Great UX. October 16, 2014, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  25. ^ Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0., December 11, 2008, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  26. ACM SIGCHI curricula for human-computer interaction. ACM SIGCHI, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  27. ^ Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, Christopher Noessel: About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design . 4th edition. 2014, ISBN 978-1-118-76657-6 , pp. 62 .
  28. a b Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, Christopher Noessel: About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design . 4th edition. ISBN 978-1-118-76657-6 , pp. 131 .
  29. a b Matthias Müller-Prove: What actually is UX design? July 19, 2019, accessed June 24, 2020 .
  30. a b "An Overview Of The Most Common UX Design Deliverables". Smashing Magazine . 2017-09-27. Retrieved 2020-03-15.
  31. Kiess, Chris (2014-05-07). "A Practical Guide to UX Specifications". CL Kiess . Retrieved 2015-06-18.
  32. ^ "Wireframing - The Perfectionist's Guide". Smashing Magazine . 2016-11-22. Retrieved 2020-03-15.
  33. "Usability Testing". . 13 November 2013.
  34. Marcin Treder: Beyond Wireframing: The Real-Life UX Design Process. Smashing Magazine, August 29, 2012, accessed June 17, 2020 .
  35. ^ Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, Christopher Noessel: About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design . Ed .: Wiley. 2014, ISBN 978-1-118-76657-6 , pp. 140 .
  36. ^ "What's the Difference Between a User Experience (UX) Designer and a User Interface (UI) Designer? - Zanthro". Retrieved 2015-09-24.
  37. ^ Kim Goodwin: Designing for the Digital Age . Ed .: Wiley. 2009, ISBN 978-0-470-22910-1 , pp. 21 .
  38. ^ "What is User Interface (UI) Design?". Retrieved 2020-04-16.
  39. ^ Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, Christopher Noessel: About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design . 4th edition. 2014, ISBN 978-1-118-76657-6 , pp. 153 .
  40. Dori, Amir (2019-10-02). "Game Design UX Best Practices // The Ultimate Guide". Medium . Retrieved 2019-12-14.
  41. admin (2018-01-18). "The Evolution of Video Game Graphics". Culture of Gaming . Retrieved 2019-12-14.
  42. "Shield Square Captcha". doi: 10.1088 / 1742-6596 / 1087/6/062024 .
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  44. Burks, Robin (2015-09-14). "How Video Games Have Become The Perfect Storytelling Medium". Tech Times . Retrieved 2019-12-14.