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Corn blight (Ustilago maydis)

Corn blight ( Ustilago maydis )

without rank: Nucletmycea
Empire : Mushrooms (fungi)
Sub-kingdom : Dikarya
Department : Stand mushrooms (Basidiomycota)
Subdivision : Ustilaginomycotina
Class : Ustilaginomycetes
Scientific name
R. Bauer , Oberw. & Vánky

The Ustilaginomycetes are a group of the smut fungi (Ustilaginomycotina). All representatives are parasites on flowering plants .

Features and way of life

The Ustilaginomycetes are dimorphic, so they alternate with yeast-like and mycelial stages. They form teliospores and do not throw away their basidiospores .

The Ustilaginomycetes live parasitically on Bedecktsamern , mainly representatives of the sweet and sour grasses . The zone of interaction with the host is large.


As a monophyletic group, the Ustilaginomycetes form one of the two classes of smut fungi . The Ustilaginomycetes themselves are divided into two orders:

The family Glomosporiaceae cannot yet be assigned to any order.

supporting documents

  • Dominik Begerow, Matthias Stoll, Robert Bauer: A phylogenetic hypothesis of Ustilaginomycotina based on multiple gene analyzes and morphological data . Mycologia, Vol. 98, 2006, pp. 906-916. doi : 10.3852 / mycologia.98.6.906

Individual evidence

  1. DS Hibbett and 66 other authors: A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi . Mycological research, Vol. 111, 2007, pp. 509-547. PMID 17572334 (PDF; 1.3 MB)

Web links

Commons : Ustilaginomycetes  - collection of images, videos and audio files