Uve Schmidt

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Uve Schmidt (born November 14, 1939 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg ; † May 20, 2021 ) was a German writer .


Uve Schmidt was born as the only child of the businessman Hans Schmidt and his wife, the master plasterer Anneliese (née Kettlitz). As a 15-year-old high school student, he fled the GDR to West Berlin, where he attended grammar school and began studying at the University of Fine Arts . From winter 1959 to 1963 he worked as an intern at Vauo Stomps in Stierstadt am Taunus. In 1963 he married the stage dancer Sabine Ebner in Munich, whom he followed in her first engagement at the Landestheater Linz (Austria) in 1964.

In the same year, Schmidt turned down the Villa Massimo scholarship that he had been offered , as spouses were undesirable as accompanying persons on site at the time; as compensation he received a travel grant from the Foreign Office. In 1967 the Schmidts returned to Germany; subsequently a daughter and a son were born. From then on, Uve Schmidt lived and worked mainly as a freelance writer in Frankfurt am Main. He died in May 2021 at the age of 81.


Schmidt was an extremely versatile writer; In addition to his lyrical and epic publications, radio plays, scripts and adaptations, he worked for advertising, the art world and the press. Uve Schmidt's poetry and prose are characterized by a wide range of social perceptions and an often relentless view of details as building blocks of the whole, whether continental or corner pub. In the process, Schmidt's poetic position developed from genuine astonishment and pure indignation (the early work) through the commitment (the political author) to an unadorned realization, which earned him the accusation of cynicism.

One reviewer described Uve Schmidt as a “master of human cynicism”, as “the best medicine against earth pain and world disgust.” He wrote and edited various erotica under various pseudonyms; In 1982, together with Claudia Gehrke , he founded My Secret Eye / The Yearbook of Eroticism at the bankruptcy book publisher Tübingen. From 2004 Schmidt wrote his online column Volk ohne Traum at Glanz & Elend , and from 2013 Uve Schmidt's calendar sheet .

Selection of works

  1. With rat flutes (poems), Hermit Press, Stierstadt am Taunus, 1960
  2. The eggs (short novel), Eremitenpresse, Stierstadt am Taunus, 1961
  3. Spielgebein (prose), Gulliver-Press, Bad Homburg, 1961
  4. Pupenpalmarum (poems), Uhlenpresse, Essen, 1962
  5. Beautiful area with characters (poetry and prose), Luchterhand, Neuwied and Berlin, 1965
  6. Frankfurter Buchmessbuch (Brettl-Lyrik), Folio-Verlag, Oberursel, 1978
  7. End of a marriage (diary novel), MARCH, by Zweiausendeins / rororo, Jossa / Frankfurt / M., 1978 and Rowohlt, 1985
  8. Children of a marriage (diary novel), ditto see above, Jossa / Frankfurt / M., 1979 and Rowohlt, 1985
  9. The Russians are coming (novel), Haffmans-Verlag, Zurich, 1982
  10. Elderflower (German post-war sagas), Eichborn, Frankfurt / M., 1984
  11. Ei häwwe dream (lyric prose), Eremitenpresse, Düsseldorf, 1984
  12. Last Supper of the Aphrodites (prose), Edition Roborg, Hanau, 1986
  13. German girls (poems and stories), Maroverlag, Augsburg, 1987
  14. Love and Death (short stories), Koren & Debes, Frankfurt / M., 1991
  15. Masquerade (poems), Patio, Neu-Isenburg, 1993
  16. Freudsland (Psychopoema), Merlin Verlag, Gifkendorf and Hamburg, 1994
  17. Sex ist dof (speeches and essays), Claudia Gehrke Verlag, Tübingen, 1996
  18. Hitler in Heaven (Poems & Epistles), Druckhaus Galrev, Berlin, 1998
  19. Kehraus Karhundred / Der Kode des Kain (tract), Merlin Verlag, Giffkendorf / Hamburg, 1999
  20. Abendlanddämmerung (poems), Druckhaus Galrev, Berlin, 2001
  21. Under the Crescent (narration), Edition Mariannenpresse , Berlin, 2003
  22. Art from a position (essay), interjection, Mainz, 2005
  23. Credo (poems), Corvinus Presse , Berlin, 2006
  24. Welt unter (poems) , with graphics by Bernhard Jäger , Corvinus Presse , Berlin 2012


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Uve Schmidt has died. In: Börsenblatt. May 25, 2021, accessed May 25, 2021 .
  2. Uve Schmidt. In: Kürschner's German Literature Calendar 2018/2019. Volume II: PZ. Walter de Gruyter , 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-057616-0 , p. 833.