Veddeler Brückenstrasse

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The Veddeler Brückenstraße is a street in the Hamburg district of Hamburg-Veddel . It runs from Veddel train station in the west to the 255 federal motorway in the east of the district. It is the main street of the district, as it has many important functions ( feeder road to the train station as well as to the motorway and the Hamburg Elbe bridges , restaurants, retail, residential street) and is located in the center of the Veddel.


Veddeler Brückenstrasse apartment block

Location and course

The Hanseatic City of Hamburg is crossed by the Elbe from the south-east to the north-west . The three Elbe islands Wilhelmsburg , Peute and Veddel are located south of the main river of the Elbe ( Norderelbe ) . Parts of all three islands belong to the district of Veddel. The district itself is one of the smallest in Hamburg with around 5000 inhabitants on an area of ​​around 4.4 km². It belongs to the district of Hamburg-Mitte , borders in the north-east on the district of Hamburg-Rothenburgsort , in the north-west on the district of Hamburg-Kleiner Grasbrook , in the south-west on Wilhelmsburg and in the south-east on Hamburg-Moorfleet . The Veddel is characterized by a multi-ethnic population. The Veddeler Brückenstraße runs diagonally through the district starting from the Veddel S-Bahn station in a north-east direction to the 255 motorway, under which it passes. To the north of the street there are apartment blocks, the district school, the church and a sports field, while to the south, next to some small residential streets and a daycare center, the old customs port is adjacent and the view of the Müggenburger Canal and the IBA dock is free.

IBA dock on the Müggenburger Canal


The fact that the district is located on an island means that it is bounded by water on two sides, and the railroad tracks and the motorway bridge form further boundaries on the other sides. The boundaries of the district and the associated separation from the center of Hamburg, to which it legally belongs, reinforce the importance of Veddeler Brückenstraße as a hub of social events and a feeder to the residential streets. The straight Veddeler Brückenstraße with its wide sidewalks, tall, massive brick buildings by the renowned Hamburg architect Fritz Schumacher and young trees on the right and left is not only a place to stay or a transit point, but also a presentation mile.


The Veddeler Brückenstraße was part of the federal highways 4 and 75 until the 1980s. The traffic was routed via it from the federal highway 255 to Wilhelmsburger Reichsstraße and thus to Wilhelmsburg and Hamburg-Harburg (southern districts of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg). By connecting the Wilhelmsburger Reichsstraße to the federal highway 252 , the Veddeler Brückenstraße was traffic-calmed, so that its importance went through a change.


The Veddel is playing an increasingly important role in the current urban development of Hamburg. For some years now, apartments have been given preference to students, and projects from various cultural institutions - for example “New Hamburg” (2013) and the Goldhaus (2017) - are regularly held in the district, which are often motivated to promote community and enhance reputation. Such measures counteract the existing negative image of Veddel. The Veddeler Brückenstraße can be described by its location and function as the center of the district. It runs in a straight line, represents a comparatively expansive street within its surroundings and has a uniform facade, which consists of four-story brick buildings with white lattice windows. In addition, it has wide sidewalks and trees on both sides, which mark it as a boulevard . The Veddeler Brückenstraße is a feeder road from the S-Bahn station to the apartments as well as to the federal highway 255, one of the few places to stay in the district with cafes, restaurants, a bakery and the only pharmacy on the island. As a meeting place for residents, they invite residents to chat, resolve conflicts and exchange ideas about what is happening in the district. The southern side of the street consists exclusively of residential units with the exception of a landscape architecture office. On the northern side there are some restaurants, including the Scotland Jards café, the Sharri ice cream parlor, the Monika's café and the district shop Veddel, Veddel-aktiv e. V., the Goldhaus and the Islamic Community Hamburg-Veddel e. V.

Gold house

See also


  • Margret Markert, Gordon Uhlmann, Barbara Günther: The Veddel. A district in the river between traffic, port and industry, Wilhelmsburg & Hafen history workshop, Hamburg 2019.
  • Jordan, Dominique: The Veddel. An action strategy for the Elbe island to integrate its migrants with the help of public space. Hamburg 2009.
  • Berking, Helmuth / Löw, Martina (ed.): The intrinsic logic of cities. New ways for urban research. Frankfurt 2008.
  • Schroer, Markus: Spaces, Places, Boundaries. On the way to a sociology of space. Frankfurt am Main 2012.

Individual evidence
