Veit von Thümen

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Veit von Thümen (* before 1511; † May 1, 1543 in Sonnenburg ) was master master of the Order of St. John .


Veit von Thümen was born the seventh son of Cuno von Thümen († 1510) and Agnes von Schlieben . He was first commander of the Order of St. John in Lagow and administrator of the Kommende Quartschen . On February 18, 1526 he was appointed coadjutor of the master master Georg von Schlabrendorff , who had ruled since 1491, at a convention in Zielenzig . After the death of Georg von Schlabrendorff († December 10, 1526), ​​Veit von Thümen was elected Lord Master of the Order of St. John on January 20, 1527 in Quartschen. After Margrave Johann von Brandenburg-Küstrin converted to Protestantism in 1538, the Brandenburg Ballot became Protestant . Although Veit von Thümen was skeptical of the New Doctrine, he did not stand in the way of its introduction. Since the sovereign gave massive support to the change of faith, Thümen considered the resistance measures recommended by the German Johanniter Grand Prior Johann von Hattstein to be hopeless. On June 15, 1540, under his reign, the Kommende Quartschen were exchanged for the Amt Schivelbein . Veit von Thümen died on May 1, 1543 in Sonnenburg and was buried in the church in Lietzen .


  • Karl von Thümen: History of the family von Thümen. 3 volumes. Liegnitz 1912.
  • Adolf Wilhelm Ernst von Winterfeld : History of the Brandenburg Ballei or the Lordship of the Sonnenburg of the Knightly Order of St. Johannis from the Hospital in Jerusalem . Reprint of the 1859 edition, Osnabrück 1993, pp. 705–708.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adolph Friedrich Johann Riedel : Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis. First main part, 24th volume. 1863, pp. 238-241.
  2. Brandenburgisches Klosterbuch , be.bra Verlag Berlin 2007, p. 1151.
  3. ^ Annette Kugler-Simmerl: Bishop, Cathedral Chapter and Monasteries in the Diocese of Havelberg 1522–1598: Structural Change and Loss of Function , Volume 1 of: Studies on Brandenburg State History , Lukas Verlag, 2003, p. 97, ISBN 3-936872-07-4 ; (Digital scan)
  4. Brandenburgisches Klosterbuch , be.bra Verlag Berlin 2007, p. 999.
  5. ^ Karl von Thümen: History of the family of Thümen. Volume 2, pp. 22-24.
predecessor Office successor
Georg von Schlabrendorff Master of the Balley Brandenburg of the Order of St. John
Joachim von Arnim