Velos (ship, 1906)

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Velos (ship, 1906) p1
Ship data
flag GreeceGreece Greece
other ship names

Elisas Frandjis
Maria V
Jeanne Antoinette

Ship type trawler
Callsign JBPC
home port Piraeus
Owner Nikolaos Vitalis, Anastasios Kostalas, Georgios Kranios
Shipyard A. Blasse & Fills, Nantes , France
Commissioning 1906
Ship dimensions and crew
37.8 m ( Lüa )
width 6 m
Draft Max. 3.3 m
measurement 174 GRT / 51 NRT
Machine system
machine Triple expansion steam engine (3 cylinder), Mancour, Nantes, France
46 NHP
propeller 1 × propeller
Transport capacities
Piraeus 931

The Velos was a Greek ship built in 1906. It was the first ship to be used in the Aliyah Bet campaign , the illegal immigration of Jews into the League of Nations mandate for Palestine .


Commemoration of the landing of the bikes in Bet Yanay

In 1934, Velos was chartered by the Hechaluz Jewish youth movement , which helped young people settle in Palestine. On July 26, 1934, the ship left the Greek port of Piraeus with 350 emigrants on board . It reached Palestine unrecognized on August 25 and all passengers disembarked in BET Yanay , six kilometers north of Netanya .

After the successful landing, the activists from Hechaluz traveled to the Bulgarian port city of Varna , where they took 318 emigrants on board. These were mostly Polish Jews. On September 6, the Velos set off for Palestine for the second time, but was stopped by the British blockade on November 13. The Velos then returned to Piraeus. From there the emigrants were brought to Romania by ship and then to Poland by train . All 318 emigrants who returned were reimbursed for the cost of the crossing.

According to the entry in Group South's war diary, the ship ran aground on November 26, 1941: “Mse VELOS +++.

Individual evidence

  1. HE-ḤALUTZ. Encyclopedia Judaica, accessed August 9, 2016 .
  2. ^ Jewish refugee ships in the Black Sea (1934–1944). In: Ursula Büttner (Hrsg.): Das Unrechtsregime. Volume 2: persecution / exile / burdened new beginning (= Hamburg contributions to social and contemporary history. Volume 22). Christians Verlag, Hamburg 1986, ISBN 3-7672-0963-2 , pp. 197-248 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Velos  - collection of images, videos and audio files