Vicenç Maria de Gibert i Serra

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Vicenç Maria de Gibert i Serra (born April 21, 1879 in Barcelona , † October 15, 1939 ibid) was a Catalan composer , organist and music critic.

life and work

Vicenç Gibert studied piano with Claudi Martínez i Imbert and composition with Lluís Millet and Felip Pedrell . From 1900 to 1907 he lived in Paris and studied composition and piano with Vincent d'Indy and the organ with Abel Decaux at the Schola Cantorum .

On his return to Barcelona he taught organ classes and gave concerts at the Orfeó Català . He also acted as organist of the Orquestra Pau Casals . He inaugurated various organs, including the organ of the Montserrat monastery in 1922 .

His compositional work is strongly influenced by neoclassical aesthetics and by Catalan folk music . He wrote the choral poem Arca de Noè (1913, “Noah's Ark”), Nit d'abril (“April Night”), Cants religiosos (1914, “Religious Chants”) on texts by Jacint Verdaguer for voice and piano as well as folk songs such as Follia (“Wahnsinn”), Les nines i el carboner (“The Puppets and the Koehler”) for mixed choir. Gibert is also the creator of chamber music and symphony works.

Gibert was one of the co-founders of the Revista Musical Catalana . He also worked closely with the Obra del Cançoner Popular . He wrote music reviews for the La Vanguardia newspaper . Gibert was the author of the following studies: Chopin: Sus obras (1913, “His Works”), Vida de Beethoven (1927, “The Life of Beethoven”) and La Divina Comèdia llegida per un músic (1927, “The Divine Comedy read by one Musician").


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Vicenç Maria de Gibert i Serra. In: Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.