Villa rustica (Bodman)

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The Villa rustica in Bodman is a former Roman estate in the area of ​​today's municipality of Bodman-Ludwigshafen in the Baden-Württemberg district of Konstanz in Germany .


The farm is located about one and a half kilometers southwest of present-day hamlet of Bodman at the output of Dettelbachtals , in Won " On Moors ", south of County Road 6101 and east of the county road 6100th

Research history

The first documented excavation of a villa rustica in southern Germany led to a dispute over the market rights for the town of Bodman in the 17th century : Johann Freiherr von Bodman was of the opinion that the town " Rörnang ", which was destroyed in the Middle Ages and was owned by Bodman at the time, had market rights to be able to derive. For this purpose an excavation was carried out in January 1686 . The remains of the wall found in the process were interpreted by the baron, an imperial notary and two other witnesses as the remains of the city they were looking for. The result of this excavation was described and certified by a report and a plan drawing - today in the possession of the Counts Bodman Archives .

“A picture of the large melting pot (...) found near Bodman in a field in 1686, January 21st. “- Later it turned out that it was not a furnace, but a hypocaust .

" Instrumentum notarii super reperta rudera civitatis potamicae / dictae Rörnang / verdolmatschet Bodma /.
In the name of the most holy, uncertain, everlasting Trinity Amen. It is hereby known and unanimously through this presently open instrument that in the year when one counts after the holy, virginal birth of our one Savior and Savior of Jesus Christ, sixteen hundred sixteen and eighty, with rulers and rulers of the most permeable and impregnable prince Herr, Herr Leopoldi desß First diß Nammen, adult Roman Kayßers on all sides of the empire in Germania, to the Hungarn, Bohäimb and Dalmatia king etc., the Hungarian in the thirty-first sigist and the Bohemian in the thirtieth year, indictione nona, Thursday, January 31st , from the Frey Reichß Hochedelegeborn Lord, Mr Johann von und zue Bodman Freyer Reichß Knighthood in Swabia of the Verain-St. Georgenschilttß Quarter Hegauw Allgauw and Bodensee Directore had been requisitioned, an inspection of the old, destroyed Bodmanische Statt Rörnang next to credible witnesses, so ex officio the same afternoon from two to about four o'clock in the presence of the spouses and lorenteschingen Joseph Stock Aßen, both from the Landgraviate of Bahr Fürstenbergische Herrschaft Donaueschingen, lived in person with my witnesses, found the following, without the old castle and below the so-called Bodmanische See village Bodman on a level of a mountain with forest against the old country roads derabwerts, for example, the Gßenkhtem Ackherfeld have lengthened themselves from the respectable Gepeuwen in the crossing, thai silted and probably thrown out in rooms or vaults, some of which are still entirely covered with burned and baked brick, and quite a few whole alleys of the L paved with plaster ength gradually überzwerck, same vihl underschidliche other mediocre annoch gantz daur- and fortified Grundt- or foundation walls of Gouten, Diss Orth ergebendten Stainen, thailß 3, thails less Werckschoch Braith was yet found Guoth (notwithstanding they all Aussag after etlich hundred Johr stood under the earth) that without improvement of the same, respectable houses could be plowed at the present time.
When the ground or earth is covered with it, scooped up and digged, several arrows and a Falconet ball come up for it, from which it is clear that this instead of Rörnanngg both in very old German peasant wars as well as subsequent peasant wars, as well as in uneventful cronicky reports , challenged and utterly destroyed; furthermore, on this reference to crumbling walls, there are indecipherable colors of plain and large mertel pieces, before which, apart from all doubts (as is still happening at the time), the heathers, churches and Gepeuw were adorned inside and out; It was also quite credibly reported that before the last Swedish wars in this Saeculo just on this situation, planted at the present time and completely pounded with the plough, different validities have already been found, also through the fury and breaking up of the swine at that time They come from here, the headline of which is not to be read, which ended up in Swedish ruptures and after Schaffhaußen in that Schweitzer Land should have come.
Even more is already there and surprisingly to see a whole Saiger or Schmöltzofen belonging to a Geltmunntz facing the mountain almost in the middle of this district with two half roundings and requiring three wind or air ducts (as they are called) from leased ones Brickstainen overzwerckh and the length in such good posture on all sides according to the guideline, and foreseen his Stöll one of earths completely innocent, two side holes elongated against each other in the four egg elongated meltzdigel which still contains a little bit of Schmeltz, similar to another Stolldigel. but something is damaging.
In front of this Schmeltz or Saiger-Offen lies a very long stain, cut in the middle along the length of a canal or a curve, bit under a Thürschwöll, also from Stain, whereupon a thick egg ends, if you also have a digel to name, in which the Thürnagel confessed, presumably because the melted material flowed into the dest, which the attached basic plan and other memorable things, so provided by an experienced painter in my present and presence after diligent inspection, with several detailed foresight Above all, I saw my witnesses myself. And the foregoing in the year, month, day and hour kayserl. Government and indiction happened and have been carried out, I hereby attest to my own manual subscription, also to the repurchase of common notarial signets and my inheritance.
(Signet and Seal)

- Johann Huober, Cesarea authoritate; Need. pub. iuratus et requisitus; Engensis. - Notarial deed of January 31, 1686, in the Gräfl. Bodman Archives

Today we know that the buildings of a Roman estate from the second half of the 1st century were uncovered, including a bathhouse with hypocaust heating .

There is currently nothing left of the former buildings; the foundations only show up as a negative growth feature in the arable land.


Illustration of the bronze vessel

Later, two identical 13 × 18 cm bronze vessels were excavated in the area of ​​the Villa rustica . Some Roman coins were found in the wider area : in 1968 an Antoninian of Philip Arabs (Roman Emperor from 244 to 249), an Antoninian of Gallienus (253–268) and a Follis Konstantins (306–337) in the “Hals” area .

Further use

Based on a certificate issued by King Ludwig the Child in 905, it can be assumed that the villa rustica was still inhabited after the Romans left :

" He gave to St. Gallen near the lake of Constance at the villa, called Tatalebahe, a Hube which a man named Wolfter lived in, and in the eastern part of the royal Palatinate a property at the outflow of the so-called Teufenbach containing two Jauchert. "

- Translation by Ley, 1874


Individual evidence

  1. Jörg Heiligmann: Bodmann's villa rustica . In: Archäologische Schätze im Kreis Konstanz , Verlag Michael Geuter, Hilzingen, 2011, page 148, ISBN 978-3-938566-15-2 .
  2. ^ Hans Stather: Bodman, Villa rustica . In: The Roman Hegau , chapter "Alphabetical reference to the location", pages 123ff
  3. ^ L. Ley: Roman settlement near Bodman on Lake Constance . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings , V, 1874, pp. 160–164.
  4. ^ L. Ley: Roman settlement near Bodman on Lake Constance . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings , V, 1874, p. 164. Digitized

Coordinates: 47 ° 48 ′ 2.1 ″  N , 9 ° 0 ′ 35.2 ″  E