Vincas Jomantas

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Vincas Jomantas (born September 24, 1922 in Kaunas , Lithuania , † December 19, 2001 in Melbourne , Australia ) was a Lithuanian-Australian sculptor.


Since his father was a painter and graphic artist, Jomantas learned sculpture in his studio. He then attended the Art Academy in Vilnius and, after the Second World War, from 1946 to 1948 the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich .

In 1948 Jomantas emigrated to Australia, was initially in Perth and then moved to Melbourne in 1951. He was a worker in a wood factory in Western Australia and a house painter in Victoria, and worked in a furniture factory. In 1961 he was hired as a lecturer in sculpture at the Art Faculty of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). From 1987 he headed the local sculpture department. During this time he developed into an artist of abstract art , whereby his most frequently used material was wood and bronze.

Center Five group

In 1961, there were meetings of the Center Group of Five sculptors that Julius Kane organized. The Center 5 Group gave itself a five-point plan. The Victorian Sculptor Society group included Clifford Last , Inge King , Norma Redpath , Vincas Jomantas, Teisutis Zikaras , Julius Kane, and Lenton Parr . One of the five points of their plan was that the contact of sculpture with the public should be broadened and that group exhibitions of the sculptors should take place. When they left the Victorian Sculptors Society as a group, their group exhibitions were viewed as competing events and this created a deep division of the local sculpting community. Her first group exhibitions took place in 1963, 1964 and 1965. In 1974 and 1984 works by these sculptors were also presented as a Center 5 exhibition .


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